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forgetting is a great mechanism!

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We hate these words by now, but its true nevertheless...

...we are infinite oneness, infinite bliss and happiness, infinite love and beauty, perfect wholesomeness. 

Isn't that great? Deep down, the truth of who we really are is always perfect, almost too much of positive emotions, pure love.

Now, as a contrast, we have the capacity to forget about our true nature and become derivatives of ourselves.

All of a sudden we experience something different then ourself, we experience separateness.

And as separate entities (although illusionary), we experience sex, hate, fighting, competition, art, science, literature, humor, sport, music, power, laughter etcetera

And when we are fed up with this duality game, we can trace ourself back to our true nature, just as we do here. And start remembering our true nature again.

And once again, when we are "fed up" with the frictionless perfectionistic nondual bliss that we are in essence, we can decide to forget ourself yet again, just to play yet a new game of separateness! 

Wow, this is too good to be true, it's even better then "too good" because we can transcend that "too good" to play these partly suffering games of duality in order to have a certain dynamics to our lives experiences through out eternity.  

Words of wisdom presented to you by the temporary separate mind of Markus from the illusionary country of Sweden. 


Edited by MarkusSweden

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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Beware, you inherited the physical paradigm from Europa's culture...

if you were living five thousands years ago with the native americans, or relative Svear, you ain't gonna be thinking about ego and suffering games,

your life would have been dancing around the bonfire singing intelegible words to your small community thanking sun-god for taking care of yourself and providing everything you need and care in nature.

suffering perspective is based on  european-era-ego-perspective, people who went through a lot of wars and divisions...

anyway, it's just illusory, the moment you get enlightened will be like never happened, just games that your mind played on you




Edited by Vingger

One’s center is not one’s center, it is the center of the whole. 

And the ego-center is one’s center.

That is the only difference, but that is a vast difference.- 

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