
Stillness on the Train

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I am one of those people who love to use their time on the train for meditation. It's the perfect place, especially if the train is somewhat empty - Because even the mind knows - now we are in the train for so and so minutes - we cannot do anything else - now we can finally be fucking still and surrender to it!! :D 

Yesterday, I managed to completely relax by following my breath and something amazing happened - more than once. I was sitting there... hands on my lap, closed eyes... taking a deep breath and holding it once in a while, but then normalizing the breath so that it is not forced, but still through the diaphragm. I was with my back against the very comfortable seat and I was also doing two other types of meditation in between breath awareness - noticing emptiness and noticing the body sensations. 

At some point I got so still that it was like my body started to vibrate at the stillness frequency, I felt complete peace and BLISS and in the blackness in front of my eyes I could see emerging beautiful vibrating darkness - I can't really explain it, but I know one thing - it was B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L :x. I could feel my feet - such a grounding sensation, very physical, very blissful. My entire body felt like a rock - I didn't feel the need to do anything - it was perfect as it is. My cup is empty, I have nothing in the material world almost and this type of experience shows me the spiritual teachings are not for nothing.

I could reach that level of stillness about 5 times during that journey and also before I got on the train while I was waiting on the very comfortable benches. It seems that this level of stillness requires certain type of comfort and security on the side of the environment, at least for me :ph34r: . It feels like such stillness cannot be had in hell (a place where people/entities would not leave you alone when you close your eyes :D - yeah that's my definition of hell) , but is very possible in heaven (the place where they do leave you alone when you close your eyes). 

10/10 experience, would try again. Now I know some of what Eckhart meant by Stillness Speaks! 


Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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34 minutes ago, Dodo said:

It feels like such stillness cannot be had in hell (a place where people/entities would not leave you alone when you close your eyes :D - yeah that's my definition of hell) , but is very possible in heaven (the place where they do leave you alone when you close your eyes). 

10/10 experience, would try again. Now I know some of what Eckhart meant by Stillness Speaks! 


That's great definition! You get it! :) 

I wrote a thread about heaven and hell yesterday btw, "The discrepancy is infinite!"  :)

Dodo, I love trains! Your title is great "Stillnes on the train". That's poetry right where. 

Kenny Rogers sings about a friendly meeting with a man on a warm summer's evenin' on a train bound for nowhere!

It has a "trainy" feeling to it I believe! 



Edited by MarkusSweden

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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