Marios Tsagoulis


7 posts in this topic

So, i was writing in my "insights notebook" about an insight i had about judgement!

It was like "who i am to judge "other" when in fact what i judge is a part of me that exist on some circumstances"

For example, some people say "i wish rapists die! What a criminals!"

Not realizing that have addopted the character of a murderer.

You got the point...

And as i was writing all of this it was like "i" Wasnt writing but something other than me


And from the topic of judgement i started going to "oneness",that everything is interconnected.


IF i became aware of "something" that means that this "something", was already there!

So you guessed it right i  started becoming conciouss of the "infinite"

That every possibility is there.

Every idea

Every thing i am looking for.


And now i f****** understand what teachers meant when they said "you have everything you need"

So literally, the "mind or you" has infinite knowledge availible every single moment.

And the question is "Am i aware of that"

And you cant become aware by trying.

Because "it" is already there.

When you search it ,that means that you believe that its NOT there.

Thats why ego seperates you from everything.

That why we think "we" have a life.

Because of the opposite we are concious (we can see the whole only becauce we are a part of a whole) 

Thats why the ego exists 

Goddd i feel so free right now.

The last 2-3 months some subtle things have changed in me...

I dont know why??

I am not even trying...


I cant even understand where all of this is coming from....

Whos is in controll?

Who chooses the "next" thing?

Who is choosing to persue enlightment?

Who choosed to write this topic?

Who feels pride for this insight?

Who secretly wants leo to read this and say "you are on the right road kid" haha. :)



Edited by Marios Tsagoulis

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Whos is in controll?

The perceived ego, that in actually is not in control

Who chooses the "next" thing?

The perceived ego, in actuality, the choosing is an illusion

Who is choosing to persue enlightment?

The perceived ego, in actuality, the choosing is an illusion

Who choosed to write this topic?

The perceived ego, in actuality, the choosing is an illusion

Who feels pride for this insight?

The perceived ego, in actuality, pride is happening to no one

Who secretly wants leo to read this and say "you are on the right road kid" haha. 

Consciousness manifesting itself as a Leo fangirl-entity, of course ; ) After an experience like that, you don't need approving from some bald guy without legs.

3 hours ago, Marios Tsagoulis said:

When you search it ,that means that you believe that its NOT there.

There are many ways to say the same thing, but that one was spot on.


Edited by molosku

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The only limitation is the mind. And then we can stop caring about being aware of things. Awareness in itself is the highest joy.

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@Marios Tsagoulis Strong insight, make it bold to stand out. It's exactly what Rupert Spira was talking about in one video about the Collective Unconscious.

i.e. when you become aware of the tingling at the soles of your feet, attention lands on that sensation, but it was in consciousness even prior to that, but in the outside layers, because it was not in focus. 

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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This is kind of a platitude by now, but Enlightenment is directly proportional to how much you can detach from giving significance to belief-paradigms.  When you are reality, there is no clinging needed.  Why should reality need anything?  Why assume that you must provide something that reality lacks — like more belief-paradigms?  See the error in all of this searching?  It’s illusory. Just surrender to resting as awareness in the moment.  Reality will take care of itself for you.  You are not in control.

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5 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

This is kind of a platitude by now, but Enlightenment is directly proportional to how much you can detach from giving significance to belief-paradigms.  When you are reality, there is no clinging needed.  Why should reality need anything?  Why assume that you must provide something that reality lacks — like more belief-paradigms?  See the error in all of this searching?  It’s illusory. Just surrender to resting as awareness in the moment.  Reality will take care of itself for you.  You are not in control.

And give yourself reiki now and again. :D 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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34 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

This is kind of a platitude by now, but Enlightenment is directly proportional to how much you can detach from giving significance to belief-paradigms.  When you are reality, there is no clinging needed.  Why should reality need anything?  Why assume that you must provide something that reality lacks — like more belief-paradigms?  See the error in all of this searching?  It’s illusory. Just surrender to resting as awareness in the moment.  Reality will take care of itself for you.  You are not in control.

I dont take my beliefs so seriously even if my language or title appears that way.

I am all about expressing 100% what rises up.

And when i feel pride (that means bigger ego) i also express it and let it grow.

Becuase trying to hide or not expressing a belief its just ego expressing itself with other forms.

And believe me joseph. Just because you are not expressing something it doesnt mean that is not there.

What im trying to say is dont take what i express as how much meaning i give to it

Of course i respect your response and i got the point.

But i just wanted to say that people who are on this forum are basically afraid to sound a little egoic or delluded.

I know that all my beliefs are petty but they are there whether i express them or not.

So from an act of love im expressing that way!

Hope i didnt responed rude :)


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