
I'm not that smart, but if I was..

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..I would love to be active on a forum where only people with very high IQ are members. 

Even as a dummy myself, I would love to just hover around a forum like that, just to see the topics they discuss. 

After all, very intelligent people are lonely since their personality shoots over peoples heads so to speak. 

So, there should be a demand for a forum like that, or do people with high IQ prefer to do their intelligent contemplations and work all alone? 

I don't think this person mind, since I'm gonna crediting, hope I don't embarrass him, but  @Outer  is an example of a man with VERY high IQ. I'm not saying he is necessary more evolved spirituality wise or emotionally wise, he is probably like us, he aims for enlightenment and have glimpses of the infinite just like us.

He might be ahead at this field as well, I can't judge on that. 

But I know that he's probably the highest ranked member at this site, IQ wise. And there are probably hundreds if not thousands like him out there in the world. 

How come there are no forum for people like that, that would be inspirational for us as well. 

Or maybe there is, but I haven't seen or found anything, have you? 

It's cool to read about people like late William Sidis, Grigori Perelman, Terence Tao and specially CHRISTOPHER LANGAN who is insanely intelligent. He actually solved the whole puzzle of reality. It's sheer beauty. 

His model of EVERYTHING is called CTMU,

Here's a link btw. 

Anyway, where on earth do these brilliant minds express the selves on internet? 


Edited by MarkusSweden

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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7 minutes ago, egoeimai said:

Too many posts? 

nah, I'll will create a Self-Actualization Journal and make another 1500 or so. It probably takes about 1700 posts before one become wise like you.

I know it's hard work though, I guess I have to tell everything about what I eat, what exercise I do, how I feel, what clothes I buy and wear, meditation habits, relation/family issues and other highly interesting stuff. 

You spend you time wisely with telling us, and your uncountable number of followers can't be thankful enough.

All I can do is to watch and learn. 

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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Intelligent is the one who destroys all knowladge system because he sees its limitations and that its just a game you are playing,fooling yourself you are going somewhere but in reality you are ignorant as the other person(and thats not an excuse for not learning anymore)....

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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23 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

Intelligent is the one who destroys all knowladge system because he sees its limitations and that its just a game you are playing,fooling yourself you are going somewhere but in reality you are ignorant as the other person(and thats not an excuse for not learning anymore)....

isn't that a knowledge system of its own? by that logic aren't you fooling your self either way? 

there may be limitations to knowledge but its the reason we are able to type here in the first place, sending rockets to space improving on previous technology or watch leos video on youtube etc

Edited by BjarkeT

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@BjarkeT Yes thats true,but knowledge leads you to a certen point where you have to drop it to grow more...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@egoeimai be kind enough to take time to see that im not talking to you..

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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I would say intelligence is to understand the nature, structure, substance, and processes of thought. So we know when thought is applicable when not so much. To understand it’s limits we know when we have over  stepped various boundaries that thought can not approach. Or to see, understand, grasp the whole of thought is to comprehend ‘hold together’ reality. One who is intelligent not only understands thought but also understands the entity that uses thought, ‘the self’. This is a necessity, this is intelligence/wisdom. 

This is what’s important to me.



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@Nahm ^+1

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it 

- A Course in Miracles

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Intelligence isn't always a good thing. You can be intelligent but still want to dominate the universe. Psychopaths are insanely intelligent, probably more than Terence Tao.

Intelligence is like the sharpness of a sword, the more sharp you are, the more effective you are at manipulating and playing with knowledge, this doesn't mean you will produce topics and opinions of beauty, it just means they will be insanely complex and advanced to what you're able to comprehend.

My computer in some instances are insanely intelligent, my machine learning algorithms can approximate functions far more advanced than Terence Tao could ever do, its clever, but its not necessarily beautiful or mysterious. 

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Edited by MarkusSweden

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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8 hours ago, electroBeam said:

Intelligence isn't always a good thing. You can be intelligent but still want to dominate the universe. Psychopaths are insanely intelligent, probably more than Terence Tao.

Intelligence is like the sharpness of a sword, the more sharp you are, the more effective you are at manipulating and playing with knowledge, this doesn't mean you will produce topics and opinions of beauty, it just means they will be insanely complex and advanced to what you're able to comprehend.

My computer in some instances are insanely intelligent, my machine learning algorithms can approximate functions far more advanced than Terence Tao could ever do, its clever, but its not necessarily beautiful or mysterious. 

Intelligence can be a trap in this work — especially those who are addicted to conceptual knowledge and thinking.  Those people often have no insight about the cause of their neurotic concept-weaving and how that detracts them from acceptance of reality as it is.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Don’t BS us.  You think you’re smart, probably smarter than everyone else haha.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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18 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Don’t BS us.  You think you’re smart, probably smarter than everyone else haha.  

Haha, if it wasn't for my broken english, I probably would! ;) 

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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I would say Intellect is only a part of total intelligence. 

Intelligence perception....comprehending the whole of thought and it’s relationship to the self. Seeing where the limits of thought.  

Intellect is the utilization In response to thought. 

Edited by Faceless

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