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Life Style Minimalism

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I stumbled back on this episode after not seeing it for a couple years and wow this technique is starting to show its results. Although I'm more introverted in general as I continue to pull out of these relationships and pursue enlightenment I come across the realization that I really don't have much in common with those whom I thought were my friends. Its not just friends its with with everyone. Yes, I have started to pull out of family obligations more and more to pursue being. The point is that this technique of "lifestyle minimalism" really does work, but you have to get the ball rolling and yes it is scary at first, but you have to trust in the principles of building your intuition and have foresight into the future. One more point that's crucial to lifestyle minimalism is that you need to have an initial  glimpse of an enlightenment experience and use that as your foresight into this process. I feel that most people will not follow through unless they have a sufficient enlightenment experience before hand. Let me know what you think and please share your ideas.

- Joe  

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@Jaydubb_os I've been also moving towards minimalism and sage-like lifestyle. It's definitely bringing more peace into my life. And it's not only cutting out on material stuff, but also certain relationships, friendships, responsibilities, thoughts, and as @Sahil Pandit mentioned digitally. To me minimalism is a life art form which can only be mastered from the depth of Being. 

I love this quote from Timber Hawkeye that nicely describes minimalism in a nutshell, "Less clutter, more space. Less attachments, more freedom. Less work, more life" :)

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I think the work part about the video is most important. Im at work 55 hours minimum a week and it’s good money, but at the same time I would love to work part time to do the things I enjoy more with the spare time I’ll have. 

Im from the UK and it seems not do-able. The majority of people here have to work crazy hours just to get by ckmfortably. It can’t be good for the body and mind because depression is at an all time high. 

Angone else working part time to live full time?


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I think it's a great way which i've applied though it won't fix anything nor cause happiness by itself.. I suggest checking this free trial site that offers chat/calls to help you figure for yourself whats prevents you be totally happy right now. Really helped me more than any specific technique: 

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