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Turning down desire for other women

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I'm in a relationship, but i constantly get in situations where other women want to have sex with me. It's really tempting, but i have managed to stay out of it this far. However i feel there's a very high desire to fuck them in me. If there's guys more experienced resisting that urge, do you have tips how to reduce that feeling?

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Do what it feels right to you. Tell the truth and suffer the consequences of your actions. 

You've slept a hundred nights, And what has it brought you? For your self, for your God, Wake up! Wake up! Sleep no more.

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7 hours ago, ADD said:


I'm in a relationship, but i constantly get in situations where other women want to have sex with me. It's really tempting, but i have managed to stay out of it this far. However i feel there's a very high desire to fuck them in me. If there's guys more experienced resisting that urge, do you have tips how to reduce that feeling?

You'll always want to fuck other girls xD

The only way that worked for me is to meditate a lot on those lustful thoughts, at some point you don't really care that much. 

Also consider that you may have way too many sexual drive to be in a classic monogamous relationship and that in time it will both harm you. There are just people like that, and those people should really consider some alternatives.

But be careful here, it could just be you being lazy and lustful as fuck, really investigate this, take your time both of you.

So the questions are, what do you really value (putting your fears and conditioning asides):

Sexual exclusivity ?

Emotional intimacy ?

Both ?

Also consider that your current gf, could be not compatible with you in the end. She could tell you that it's ok and let you do what you want, but internally she is suffering and really don't want it.

If you're really that attractive, you're most likely very masculine and she just wouldn't want to loose a guy like that, even if it means great suffering for her.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

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Avoid getting unnecessarily physical contact and let them know your taken. Girls tend to lose interest, making think your gay also works.

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Lol pretending to be gay sounds fun. I'm not even really what is considered handsome and they are all over me. I wouldn't consider myself masculine either. I'm just fucking weird, maybe that's it.

I was thinking that nofap has had some benefits for me and it has definetly raised my sexual vibration. But maybe it has raised it even too much as i get these urges to fuck those girls more and more.

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9 hours ago, ADD said:

Lol pretending to be gay sounds fun. I'm not even really what is considered handsome and they are all over me. I wouldn't consider myself masculine either. I'm just fucking weird, maybe that's it.

I was thinking that nofap has had some benefits for me and it has definetly raised my sexual vibration. But maybe it has raised it even too much as i get these urges to fuck those girls more and more.

But you're extremely funny and sociable right ?

You also flirt with them, even if it's not physical ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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