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Is It Possible To Have A Life Purpose That Is Other Than Wanting To Make The World A Better Place?

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Well, you create your own purpose, so for me not to be giving back to others would be missing out on the greatest fulfillment in life. It's not just helping the world, it's you loving creating these gifts for yourself AND for others, like Leo says, "it starts to become this tree that never stops bearing fruit."

Memento Mori

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Is It Possible To Have A Life Purpose That Is Other Than Wanting To Make The World A Better Place?


Your life purpose can be whatever you want it to be. You don't have to make the world a better place. And in any case, that's a subjective notion. What one person thinks is 'better' may not be what another person does. One person's better is another person's hell. Humanity has already tried to make things 'better' and as a result has brought more pain and suffering along with it. Long story, maybe one for another thread..

Point is, there is no rule saying that you have to do this. Or that you have to help others. Don't be guilted in to thinking that makes you selfish. It doesn't. At the end of the day we are all here for our own benefit. Our lives are our own.

So your life purpose could be something personal to you. Maybe you want to break free of the petty dysfunctional behaviours of modern society and live peacefully in a cabin in a rainforest being at one with reality. That could be a valid life purpose. It may not help others but it does no harm to them either.

You don't have to have an impact on the world. It's funny when I hear people talk about this. You don't see other lifeforms going out of their way to have an intentional 'impact' on the world. But because we are the arogant species that we are, and because we think we can, we decide that it is our mission to have an impact. And we certainly have had one, whether intentionally or otherwise.

I'm not saying don't make the world better if you think you can. But it isn't a given obligation. Do whatever you are passionate about. Your purpose is yours, you're not here to prove anything to anyone else.

“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.”  - Lao Tzu

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An occupation is not pre-destined. 

The funny thing with creating, is that what you create reflects your state of consciousness. 

But I do not think life requires creating for everyone. There are enlightened beings who live somewhere doing nothing. 

To define a life purpose, it is not an occupation. A life purpose is more of the things you wanted to experience such as truth, freedom, self-expression, unconditional love etc. 

But we can take an example in the means of your connotation to life purpose. We can take someone who wants to be famous because of the lack of respect and love in their life. That person would consider being famous as an ambition or life purpose. We can also take a person who is depressed and starts playing world of warcraft all day. He becomes a professional and considers that his life purpose. 

If those two people were enlightened, would they still think their occupation would be their aim? Probably not.

But when you are enlightened for example, great chanche your are pretty conscious and that reflects in your creations. So that would mean (generally speaking) that it helps people.

When you are not enlightened and are advanced in the practice of self-love for example. It would also help people. But when in ego, you could think that you are helping people, but it could be you are doing damage.

Life is when awareness hides in the idea of personal experience. ~ Matt Kahn

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What gives you the impression that your life purpose has to be to make the world a better place?

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