
RSDJulien ripping of Leo

26 posts in this topic

3 hours ago, Vingger said:

@Sevi  I was hoping a comment like yours after my reply, Thanks

Oh! I've just seen this! You are welcome?? :) I mean.. of course! What else could be the reply in forum??xD

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I think it's probably painful for Julien to realize he doesn't exist.. It's a process, reacting by mocking people is his usual way, and also jealousy maybe, since Leo has loads of more subscribers.. I'm just projecting and speculating, but he thinks enlightenment is self-love and acceptance and being present.. Clearly he has no idea

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 makes me wonder...are these RSD guys really getting enlightened or they are just so cunning to realize that their dick and face are getting too old to keep up with the thousand fucks per year..

what if all these spiritual talks are just a new turn for their careers knowing that they can use their 'silvertongue' to repeat some flowery new age stuff to keep people hooked?


''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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@art i used to watch these guys back in 2015, its so cringy to watch them now haha. Gotta give them credit for getting me into personal development though

God and I worked things out

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@brovakhiin its his delivery and target audience, they joke about the rsd cult, but it really has become a cult in a sense.


God and I worked things out

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