
No link between the infinite and the finite, awkward?

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Let's not talk about who YOU truly are, but what humans truly are! 

I am quite perplex when I think about it. It's like humans experience reality in two different planes(dimensions), without no bridge or link between them...

...the infinite and the finite. 

Thus humans can only experience one part of themselves at the time, and that part doesn't even know there is another part/aspect to be experienced within the human nature. 

It's like humans are bound to have a constant blind spot to half of its nature. 

Think about it, as soon as humans are involved in mind activity, in duality mode so to speak, when the human mind are active, concentrating at something other then itself(duality). It might be thought-activity or some physical activity. (Involved in thinking, analysing or manipulation of reality).

In this duality mode(mind), the human is not even aware of the other side(nature) of itself, the non dual state that is, the infinite nature. This is the blissful nature of oneness or wholesomeness, where everything is complete, thus no presence of mind/mind activities are possible.  

This state basically correspond to the consciousness that are present when the mind has dissolved (traced itself back) into pure awareness (limitlessness). 

At this state there is no form, no nothing. Just peace, happiness, truth, love and beauty but of course way beyond all of those concepts! 

All there is to this state, is just awareness knowing itself.

In this enlightened state, there's no awareness of anything like a mind/mind activity, just awareness of itself. 

The two "halves" doesn't know about each other. But both are contained within the human nature. Nothing unites the two, no bridge or link so to speak.

Humans go trough their daily life constantly unaware(naive) to half of its own nature!

Now that's awkward!  :)  

Does this make sense or does it sounds like gibberish to you? :) 



Edited by MarkusSweden

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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I'm by no means an expert, but surely there are different types of infinity? There are many things about ordinary everyday conciousness that is infinite in nature. Take thinking about counting numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on. They are finite in that you can never get to the end, but, somehow your conscious mind can extend the sequence to infinity, it understands that sort of infinity.

Or take the classic statement: 'This statement is false', an infinite regress creating a paradox. Yet the mind somehow understands it in it's totally.

Then take a colour for example, there are infinite shades of green from very dark to very light, but your concious mind gets it.

And the more you poke around with things that seem finite, they are actually infinite in nature. I would go so far as to say that nothing is finite at all!


57% paranoid

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@LastThursday True! This is maybe a better headline..

"No link between the nonduality and duality, awkward?" 

But then it all falls short, because, how could there be a link? :) 

Hehe, reality is so slippery! 

Guess Ramana Maharshi was right..

"Silence is the highest teaching" ;) 

Edited by MarkusSweden

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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The same link as between the number 1 and the number 2?

So here is my poor metaphor for nonduality versus duality:

Imagine a large sheet of paper that is infinitely large in all directions. It is perfect paper, it has no discernable attributes other than the fact that it's infinite. You can however count it, there's exactly one nonduality.

Now, get some scissors and some infinite time and cut the paper in half. Now it has an attribute a cut (or boundary if you like). And if you count the areas, there are now two areas - this is duality.

Interestingly you've created a finity (two) from two infinities: the infinite paper and the infinite cut.

End of metaphor.

57% paranoid

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42 minutes ago, LastThursday said:

The same link as between the number 1 and the number 2?

So here is my poor metaphor for nonduality versus duality:

Imagine a large sheet of paper that is infinitely large in all directions. It is perfect paper, it has no discernable attributes other than the fact that it's infinite. You can however count it, there's exactly one nonduality.

Now, get some scissors and some infinite time and cut the paper in half. Now it has an attribute a cut (or boundary if you like). And if you count the areas, there are now two areas - this is duality.

Interestingly you've created a finity (two) from two infinities: the infinite paper and the infinite cut.

End of metaphor.

Good one! 

Actually, you've just added finity! (which makes the metaphor even better) 

*Still infinite because the paper is infinite, therefore it can't be cut in halves

*At the same time finite, since the cut is infinite, therefore it cuts any paper into halves 

In your metaphor, Just as the reality we find ourself in, we have both the infinite and the finite coexisting with each other.  


Edited by MarkusSweden

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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@MarkusSweden The thing on the right in that painting, behind God, is a subtly implied outline of a brain. There is no link and no missing link, just a veil implying two. The ‘arm’ extends from the pineal gland, through the frontal lobes, giving ‘life’ to ‘man’. And of course the shadow is baked in. 



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Hooray! I'm glad it makes sense to you.

This is just information theory. The more cuts you have, the more 'bits' of information you have. So nonduality is a complete lack of information: zero. But it is 'made of' infinity so to speak.

If you bend the metaphor a bit more, then the infinite paper and the infinite cut are actually the same thing. Duality (and information), is infinity cutting itself.

But BEWARE. The metaphor is not the territory. I'm just talking like a run of the mill scientist, and playing fast and dirty with words and concepts (cuts).

Edited by LastThursday

57% paranoid

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I'm not good with all these spiritual words for everything..

..but are the two aspects discussed in this tread(infinity/nonduality and finite/duality) what we mean by SHIVA and SHAKTI?

Edited by MarkusSweden

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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