
10 day Vipassana Silent Retreat Buenos Aires

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"You want to be fully sober.  Lucid.  Its like, the world is made out of glass.   Not a single thought, not a single theory... just... total quiet"

- by Leo from 10 things you want that you dont know that you want


By far the most powerful experience Ive had in my whole life.  It rivals the 5 meo experiences but also I feel like they make a great combination.  One is a powerful blast of consciousness, the other is a a slow revving up that just rewires your mind.

The first few days were pretty bad, the last few days were heaven.

I got a taste of such silence, I saw it as my identity as all around that nothing/silence changed around me.

When I got out I had samadhi experiences with the people i had conversations with.  It felt like I was them.


Getting rid of my phone and facebook account.  I dont need them, I can use email and skype.  Too distracting.

Need to meditate more, 2 hours a day minimum, 3 hours on weekends.

We are 100% responsible for our own suffering by our aversion and craving.  It was really clear.

Dont push yourself so hard that you generate negativity.  That happened to me in a couple of strong determination sits.  Need to always remember I am doing this out of love and compassion for myself and others

Slow down.  Try to do every single thing every day as mindfully as you can.

People do what they do out of ignorance.  If they try and hurt you its because they dont know better.  Sometimes you have to be firm in your communications but do it out of love and compassion for yourself and the other person.  The aggressor always suffers more than the victim believe it or not.

Cut down on the theory, amp up the practices.


And lastly... the point of this whole post...

Do one of these!!! Really!  If I just convince one person to do it than this post will be worth it.

Sorry to be dramatic and cliche but the experience was just too strong.



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@Nexeternity Great insights man. Thanks for sharing. Just humbly doing the work, gettin it done....those are the guys you gotta watch out for!

Just kiddin man. Very happy for you!



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@Nexeternity Nice post man. I went on a mahasi vipassana retreat last year but spent atleast half of the retreat just trying to figure out the technique. So probably didn't make full use of it. Still, it was a awesome experience. Will be attending another later this year for sure.

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@Nexeternity  Now observe how quickly ordinary life sucks you back into unconsciousness over the next week ;)


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Yes so true. Be prepared for some heavy ego-backlash! anicca...Aniccaa...ANICCAAA! 

I seriously think Vipassana is one of the best ways to awaken ones kundalini, but the trick is to focus on the good sensations (opposite of vipassana technique) + semen retention. Sexual energy + quiet concentrated mind awakened my kundalini in the pagoda at a vipassana retreat, and I've read others awakening there's too during a retreat. 



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@Sahil Pandit Thanks man!!! Awesome!

@Space Thanks!!  Awesome... yea just have to keep hitting the retreats!  For the well being of all ;)

@Leo Gura  Haha hey thanks alot!  Im so tempted to go serve full time at the different centers.  Closest thing to being a monk that I see actually working for me, at least for a few years.  But the life purpose would be put on hold dont think that will work.

@JustinS Thanks for the video man!  Ive been trying the semen retention thing... really hard for me.

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@Nexeternity Try doing a solo meditation retreat. It's even better than Vipassana.

Rent a cabin in the woods on AirBnb for 10 days.

I'll be in Hawaii next week doing that.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@John Lula No, you will be unable to do it alone if you don't already have some retreat experience under your belt. It's too challenging and planning the logistics is tricky.

Start off with a formal, grouped retreat. After a few of those, you will be ready to do a solo one.

Regular Vipassana is quite challenging already. It will kick your ass.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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