
1 Day Retreat From Most Physical Comforts, Ideas,comments Are Welcome!

2 posts in this topic

Hi everyone,

I am looking to see if any one may have some tips or share some of their experience on what I am about to do tomorrow.

My plan is to sit in the room all day,  disconnect completely from Internet, family ect. 


1. Staying silent all the day from the moment you wake up until bed isolated in one room, only allowed to go to a toilet.

2. Waking up at 8am.Muslim fast of no food or water until 6 pm.

3. No internet, no tv or any sort of communication

4. Activity, affirmations, visualisations, different meditation techniques, reflection time, building will power.

I am curious what results these kind of retreats would produce on short and long term basis. 



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If i were you, i would definitely use all that time to meditate and do enlightenment work, so i would really suggest to do some


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