
Consuming meat on a spiritual path.

31 posts in this topic

I wish I could be vegan... but everyone I know eats meat, eggs, and cheese.... and I start getting really weak and skinny and anemic when I try to do it.

I get bored too... its like lentils, brown rice, oatmeal, and the same vegetables and fruits every day...

Maybe I need to get more creative.

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I have a q, are animal protein, b12 or any other elements in meat essential for body? Is there difference between protein in plants and in animals?

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3 hours ago, Monkey-man said:

I have a q, are animal protein, b12 or any other elements in meat essential for body? Is there difference between protein in plants and in animals?

I was pretty amazed with how little of a problem getting enough protein was when i changed my eating habits. B12 is naturally found in the earth (dirt) i think, so the reason we don't get it through a plant based diet anymore is because everything is sanitized. So I think you have to supplement with B12. I may be wrong here, I'm not quite sure, I still have a lot of learning to do. But there's no doubt I feel much better without all of that heavy food in my body. (And knowing I don't contribute to that ghastly industry and all of the suffering in those factories of course.)

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Just out of curiousity...can everyone on this thread please post their blood type? Testing a theory...

Edited by Haumea

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On 11.2.2018 at 3:02 PM, Nexeternity said:

I wish I could be vegan... but everyone I know eats meat, eggs, and cheese.... and I start getting really weak and skinny and anemic when I try to do it.

I get bored too... its like lentils, brown rice, oatmeal, and the same vegetables and fruits every day...

Maybe I need to get more creative.

Start off being vegetarian. I became a vegetarian when I was 12 years old, none of my friends or family was vegetarian and therefore I needed to start cooking all my food myself. It teaches you a lot :) You can do it!

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On 03/02/2018 at 5:52 PM, nightrider1435 said:

Past couple months for me I get a feeling of disgust whenever I eat meat. I still eat meat though, I grew up eating it so I can't really help it. I'm surrounded by a society that consumes alot of meat. Obviously it's going to take me some time to make adjustments to my diet, I've been eating more fruits and vegetables, been on a smoothie beinge lately. Everything is interconnected, when you consume meat you are taking in that animals suffering before it was slaughtered, that fear energy gets transferred to you. I would like to kick out dairy and meat at some point, go full on vegan.

If I can do it (same conditions as you + addictive personality) you can too! 

Try to see that you are actually eating other sentient versions of yourself. Imagine the Universe crying at seeing itself being cooked and eaten by itself due to ignorance. Animals do feel pain, and this pain WILL affect your karma.  Good luck! 


-1/12 is Infinity 

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9 hours ago, Saumaya said:

Become a cannibal if you wont deter you from spiritual path as long as you're taking the right steps

Simply not true. The spiritual path becomes too foggy to walk on when one is not pure in heart. If it was normal to eat others from our species with pure heart, we'd be doing it. But it's not. It's a perversion of mind.

So are all the addictions out there. I was long enough in the trap that addictions do not affect the spiritual growth. That's what the mind says when it wants to keep an addiction going - normalising it. And it works for keeping them up. If one wants to be free, one must free themselves from impure desire.

Inflicting unnecessary pain to yourself and others is not a spiritually right thing to do. You know it in your heart, while your mind can handwave it away easily. 

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Read this and tell me if you feel the same about eating chicken after.  A chicken can have a natural lifespan of up to 10 years, but the chickens we eat are killed after 1 to 3 months of life.  We're eating them when they are young-adolescents basically.

"Most commercial broilers reach slaughter-weight between four and seven weeks of age, although slower growing breeds reach slaughter-weight at approximately 14 weeks of age."  [Quoted from Wiki article "Broiler", linked above.]

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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I used to be big meat eater, but now I feel disgust if I think about eating meat. How can we explain that? Vibrational frequencies? But if seriously?

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