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what is enlightenment in a nutshell

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enlightenment is a two stage process. the first stage is when "you" stop identify with the self and realize that "you" are not the body, nor "your" thoughts and feelings and "your" fears are not "real". "you" become a "no-self" - the watcher who observe it all from a distance. the second stage is when you realize that reality is not a chaos occurrences and causality is just a belief, but a pre-defined, carefully designed and crafted flow of inevitability. in the second stage "you" become the watcher of the watcher and the term "enlightenment" has no meaning any more.

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There might a 3rd stage called embodying Enlightenment which keeps on refining the nature of experience/perception and response. It continues until the death of the physical body

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for "me" there is no need to refine the nature of experience/perception, i do not try to understand nor comprehend reality (sometimes it looks really weird and bizarre) but humbly accept it as it is and continuously move along the flow of inevitability. it's like "reading between the lines", observing the "blueprint" of reality directly with "no-self" filtering. it is true that at the time of death (of the physical body), there is a disconnection from reality as a whole. 

Edited by Patang

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