
what is the self in a nutshell

36 posts in this topic

9 minutes ago, Patang said:

@Joseph Maynor truth, there is only one, truth is consciousness and that is all that there is.

Ok, say it that way.  That doesn’t change reality.  We don’t wanna get into the weeds of semantics too much here.  It doesn’t matter.  Consciousness is a conceptualization too.  I don’t really like the word ‘consciousness’.    It’s a little too much like trading one illusion for another.  What is is awareness of reality in the present moment.  What that points to.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Who is the entity that’s going to dissolve anything? 

Is there an entity seperate from thought? Or is the self a thought discised as an entity? 


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1 minute ago, Mighty Mouse said:

You've been asking for "truth for truth's sake" and you don't even know when it punches you in the gut.

Mouse, didn't you know that everything is paradoxical? 

There's no profound truth such that the polar opposite is not true as well. :) 


Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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Building belief paradigms around sterile abstracts purged of any of life experience is just another form of conceptual self and it isn't any more right, better, enlightened or truth, it's just a preference of perspective but not necessarily a preferable one at that.

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1 minute ago, Mighty Mouse said:

Isn't that what integrity is supposed to be... 9_9


Don't act like you are Jesus. You come from Satan's lair. You deserve extinction.

"Whatever you do or dream you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. "   - Goethe
My Blog- Writing for Therapy

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22 minutes ago, Ibn Sina said:


Don't act like you are Jesus. You come from Satan's lair. You deserve extinction.

I was curious why I found myself on here and then saw this a literally burst out with laughter.

Assuming it happened, You do realise this same attitude was given to Jesus as he spoke the Truth. Anyway, funny stuff

Edited by Ocean

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 You guys are always attacking each other. His version just less subtle Lolol 

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this thread demonstrates how significant the ego is in one's self. no Judgment, no criticism, just pointing out.

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@Mighty Mouse you're not really attacking anyone but i don't think that's what people are going to see with so much "boldness", they are going to get offended because there is nothing they can do about it. Are you trying to help them or just blowing off some steam at this point?

Edited by lens

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5 minutes ago, Mighty Mouse said:

I can count the number of times I have ever attacked anyone in my whole life on one hand.

Trust me, if I attack you, you'd be the first to know.

I know you suffer. 

One who suffers can not be honest with oneself. 

Your actions are obvious. All an act my friend??‍♂️

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Anyway lol 

what is the self? 

Good topic 

Edited by Faceless

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I like the Mouse! 

Can't get enough of his honesty. 

Seem like I'm the only one. :( 

And even I might not like  this "brutal" honesty if it was part of a friendship irl. 

It shows how pathetic we are as humans I guess. 

Relationships are built on lies, at least to some degree. 

The whole point of self-actualization is to be fully yourself. 

We work to finally manage to be fully ourselves, just to find out it's not allowed to be fully yourself.. 

We are forced to be derivatives of those who we really are.

It's sad, but that's how it goes I guess..


Edited by MarkusSweden

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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@Mighty Mouse I think you are the only person on this forum that i've seen from a distance that I couldn't disagree with, no matter how "offended" I got. Maya is going to continue doing her thing, there really is no point to try to help anyone here, but please do because she loves it

"You are tonight's entertainment and you are friggin' hilarious, precisely because you're the butt of a grand joke that you're not in on. You are the unwitting mask, the sock puppet on god/maya's hand."

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1 hour ago, Ibn Sina said:


Don't act like you are Jesus. You come from Satan's lair. You deserve extinction.

Haha, made me think of this: 


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