
Meta Sources

1 post in this topic

I watched a Leo's video called "How I Do Research & Develop Big Picture Understanding".

Leo made a VERY important point there, that I was thinking about lately more and more.

What I mean is the concept of Meta Sources. As he put it: "other people who have studied hundrets of perspectives and sources".

Clearly a source like that is invaluable. Let's just take Leo, I guess our favorite Meta Source around, and see how powerful his content is for an eager to learn person.

I don't claim to have watched all Leo's videos. There are still many ones that are a must watch for me, and I want to get to them in the future.

Having said that, I see that it may not be wise to get my information only from him. It is not only about the information, but also about the presentation, the sources he is getting it from and many more factors. You get what I mean?

I love Actualized.org videos, the Ultimate Life Purpose Course, and I am sure the book list will greatly benefit me, when I get it. But it all comes from Leo, one person, one style, one energy.

What is my point?


Help me find other Meta Sources!


What are the criteria?

Quite simple.

A Meta Source:

  1. Has a vast knowledge in many fields.
  2. Is a high consciousness person, talking about high consciousness stuff.
  3. Has his teachings reasonably accessible.


What are some of my Meta Sources?



I hope some of you will catch on and share a few of your Meta Sources!

Thanks for reading!

Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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