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Is it true that most people will not want to be your friend or hire you for work?

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I know that many people like me would like to have a lot of friends and be hired by almost anyone for virtually anything because we want to satisfy our egos as much as we can. Of course, I've always realized that in real life there will always inevitably be certain jobs out there that I will apply for, but will not succeed in getting hired for because I was not the kind of candidate that they were looking for their particular business regardless of how great my game and qualifications are for that job. Similarly, when it comes to establishing new friends, I obviously won't be able to be everyone's cup of tea, even if I had great social skills, high social status, and looked extremely attractive. However, I didn't think or believe beforehand until I watch one Youtube vid of Corey Wayne that MOST employers will never want to hire for their company and MOST people will not want to be your friend, no matter how much you have or what you have to offer to people. Is this actually true or is Corey Wayne really exaggerating?


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I am looking forward to finding out what the mods have to say about this.

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8 hours ago, Hardkill said:

I am looking forward to finding out what the mods have to say about this.

You have not answered my question on your previous thread.

Question: Do you know what Leo is talking about here?

If you can answer the question, are you able to apply it to your personal life?

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Just now, Key Elements said:

You have not answered my question on your previous thread.

Question: Do you know what Leo is talking about here?

If you can answer the question are you able to apply it to your personal life?

Sorry, I got preoccupied with other things in my mind and life. I did watch his video and I get the gist of it, which is that if you don't off as being needy then you will be very attractive. However, I don't quite agree with this. I've lately been much less than ever before over the past two months and it actually didn't improve my results with women or people in general. I talked about this with an acquaintance of mine who has been struggling with attracting women for years and has very little to no friends. Unlike me, he has hardly every complained about his lack of results with women and says that he doesn't ever care if he has any friends or not. He also says that he never texts a girl more than 2-3 times in a row. He also has pretty calm vibe to him every time I talk with him and I've seen some of his recorded approaches with women and while he does appear to come off as being a little quirky he actually seems like he's having a good time with each of the women he talks too. He's also a good looking guy who has a muscular physique. I've said to him before "you know XXXXXX, you don't appear to every be needy at all and you look good. I don't get why you haven't been able to attract a lot of women." His response was "non-neediness doesn't make you attractive, it just doesn't make you unattractive."

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1 hour ago, Hardkill said:

His response was "non-neediness doesn't make you attractive, it just doesn't make you unattractive."

Ok, I agree with what he said here but not completely -- because attractiveness or not attractive is very subjective. You heard of the saying, "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder." For example, some ladies may find Leo attractive, and some may not. Also, ultimately, in a relationship, your appearance doesn't count, it's who you are that matters.

But, let me tell you something here that have not been mentioned. We all know that money doesn't buy happiness. The same is true for a relationship. A relationship doesn't buy happiness. Do you know what this means? You can't really fully commit to anyone but yourself. You can't really fully commit to a job -- you're actually committing to yourself. In other words, even when you're in a relationship, ultimately, you got to go back and commit to yourself, and your partner has to do the same. That is the basis for a strong relationship.

Think deeply on this and try not to misunderstand. I'm really trying to tell you something here.

Anyway, another point I want to make is, I would strongly encourage someone like you to go for your life purpose. I said this in your journal already. That is how you'll find yourself.

Since you already mentioned that you're going for a master's degree in teaching and love martial arts, why not teach martial arts for a life purpose, for starters? You can refine and make this deeper later on.

I have to caution you here. Whatever I say or anyone else says in the forum or anywhere are only tips. You, ultimately, will have to pick and choose what and how to apply it into your life wisely. Don't just hastily apply it. Think carefully about it. 

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43 minutes ago, Key Elements said:

Ok, I agree with what he said here but not completely -- because attractiveness or not attractive is very subjective. You heard of the saying, "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder." For example, some ladies may find Leo attractive, and some may not. Also, ultimately, in a relationship, your appearance doesn't count, it's who you are that matters.

But, let me tell you something here that have not been mentioned. We all know that money doesn't buy happiness. The same is true for a relationship. A relationship doesn't buy happiness. Do you know what this means? You can't really fully commit to anyone but yourself. You can't really fully commit to a job -- you're actually committing to yourself. Think deeply on this and try not to misunderstand. I'm really trying to tell you something here.

I agree that relationships themselves can't give you happiness.

Now, You have not answered my question for the topic of this thread.

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36 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Now, You have not answered my question for the topic of this thread.

Yes I have. Find your life purpose. The answer is there. I have already given you suggestions here to think deeply about. Things will start falling into place once you embark on this journey. 

Too bad you will find out that the ego can't be satisfied -- ever. It will eventually be "dropped."

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4 minutes ago, Key Elements said:

Yes I have. Find your life purpose. The answer is there. I have already given you suggestions here to think deeply about. Things will start falling into place once you embark on this journey. 

Too bad you will find out that the ego can't be satisfied -- ever. It will eventually be "dropped."

Right, but is it true that most people won't want to hire you and most people won't want to be friends with you?

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31 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Right, but is it true that most people won't want to hire you and most people won't want to be friends with you?

Yes, of course. The answer is yes.

People make their dreams come true by going on a journey of discovering themselves. They meet their true friends and life partner this way. You don't have to go all the way to discover this. You'll discover it along the way. You are not concrete in what you want to do or who you want to be with in your life. Once you discover these things, it's you who is going to tell us, not the other way around.

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I see. Ok, so it is true that most people you meet and like will say no and that most employers will deny you a job you want because it's usually a long and hard process process to get a good friend you want and/or the job that you wish to have. 

Alright, Thank you for responses, @Key Elements

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