Joseph Maynor

Why Does the Self Need Esteem and Knowledge?

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Good question eh?

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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to maintain permanence because it sees its impermanence 

But in this search for security creates its own insecurity 

To seek security psychologically is to invite disorder into ones mind 

Edited by Faceless

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@Joseph Maynor

It Really Depends On What sort Of Knowledge Is Known. It Can Trap You, Or It can Free You. It Can Break you or Make you. ;)

Edited by Kserkkj

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@Joseph Maynor

And Remember, knowledge Created You. You didn't Show Up Before knowledge. And You're gonna use the Same thing that Trapped you against it. That's how you unlock the lock to your awareness, and therefore consciousness. They Are stuck together, but not one and the same.


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There is absolutely no place for memory , knowledge, and experience psychologically. Do u see that? This is the very reason there is never freedom from the self.

Thought is only necessary for practical affairs 


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You're forgetting that they're all part of the same thing, consciousness. That experience and psychology are one and the same. Happening in one mind. The very reason thought gets in the way is because the orientation is incorrect. Thought is the only tool for experiencing reality. Wouldn't you agree? Depending on how thought is defined. 

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I think so. We might actually be meeting one another. 

Yeah all part of conciousness... What I mean was there’s thought which is the response of memory, knowledge, experience. But then due to its fragmented nature thought attributes to itself as being independent of thought and creates the seperate entity “the self”. Through this movement of volition there then comes a movement of psychological time “becoming” to sustain continuity and permanence in a perpetual movement of desire to self sustain. It creates itself though the desire to bring about security but in so brings about insecurity. 

And yes reality is anything that thought thinks about. Realty is a process of thought. 

Edited by Faceless

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I see, That's quite an interesting perspective. The thing with it thought is that thought is itself memory experience and knowledge. They're all Nothing contained in the mind. Mind Is the illusion. Mind is what causes the distinctions, reality in that sense is distinction. Otherwise there would be no knowledge, experience, knowing, memory... same words in different letters. The truth is that there's no difference between knowing and not knowing and anything and everything and I truly doesn't have it's place in the true truth. I think that the mind (process of thought) is what allows consciousness(Knowledge, experience, type of mind as part of the macro Mind) to be attained. Ironically It's also what took consciousness. Which is the illusion. Of Having consciousness, because there's no having in consciousness. It's all consciousness without possession. What is known is Already Always Known. 

Anyways, thanks for sharing.

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Hmm is this came upon by watching yourself or reading something?@Kserkkj

Was there anything that didn’t make sense to you that I wrote? 

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i think we are not meeting one another. 

If you want to go into it little bit. I’m open. Thanks you to for sharing. 

Edited by Faceless

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2 minutes ago, Mighty Mouse said:


(which means that removing the reputation system from the forum is only a half measure... the other half is removing the forum itself xD )...

You can do that by yourself.

You can also use this forum to stop your ego (well you).

Like when you write a post look how much it is about you and your projections. Even if it's not, there can still be a sense of pride to think you helped, this has to be made conscious of.

Remove all of that, see if there is anything to post after that.

Not easy or pleasant, but necessary.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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9 minutes ago, Mighty Mouse said:

Because the self IS "esteem" and "knowledge" (i.e. emotionally powered belief). That's what it consists of.

Without those, it doesn't exist. So its survival agenda is to "need" it.

(which means that removing the reputation system from the forum is only a half measure... the other half is removing the forum itself xD )...

The Forum is a great place for people to grasp around until they realize that it’s all right here.  It’s always all just been right here.  It’s like an anti-training academy.  It’s going from Maya to Brahman.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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54 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Joseph Maynor It doesn’t. Obviously. If you’re holding the thought that it does, then let go of what you added. 

It’s funny how things look from the perspective of Brahman versus the perspective of Maya.  It’s like the difference between night and day.  But both night and day are here, part of reality.  But Day is so different from night and vice versa.  It’s like the difference between being awake and dreaming.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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All of these maya, brahman, autmen, are part of reality. ??‍♂️

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