
Jordan Peterson

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Yesterday i saw his subscribers they were 678k today they rae 685k .He is getting to a million in few months.You can test this real time open his youtube page and refresh you will see how he is exploding. Every second. He is resonating with so many people. Thoughts?

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great author of how to survive lectures

if only JP is introduced to nonduality and enlightenment and actually inject that into his paradigm...

he'll become amazing author of how to live lectures


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It looks like his ideas are quickly propagated. I see it on this forum, other parts of the internet and in myself.

He integrates psychoanalytical, mythological, religious, evolutionary concepts very nicely. Suddenly Bible stories make sense, hero stories make sense, anxiety make sense, resentment make sense, and so on. It is like something clicks together.

According to him people don’t live in a world of objects. People live in a world of stories. We perceive world as tools, what is it for us, first.

He divides the world into familiar territory, order to be constantly improved and restored versus dangerous unknown, chaos to be faced voluntarily to slay the dragon and to obtain the gold/rescue a virgin.

He emphasizes responsibility and struggle for what we find meaningful versus being content with rights, freedom, what is given to us and lazy “happiness”.

He promotes the old human wisdom of paying attention, speaking the truth, making order out of chaos through that. Which is what the concept of logos means if I understand it correctly.

He shows why Biblical, mythological stories are deeply wise and meaningful and not just a bunch of old superstitions. Why we can’t just drop our old culture, deconstruct everything and expect a wholesome balanced society.

What we can formulate in language is a tiny subset of our knowledge in a form of image based, intuitive dream like intuitions, and we should not discard the later. And embodied knowledge that we hadn't compressed yet in a form of intuitions is even bigger.

He also emphasizes the importance that we don’t know what consciousness is and by the time we will know our notions of what is material and real will probably radically change. And he is on good term with psychedelics their role in human culture and history.

There are many many insights by him, probably not all originally his, but integrated and promoted by him.

Edited by Akim

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The journalist that was interviewing him on channel 4 became a meme on 9gag. Maybe because of that lol

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Very knowledgeable on relative truths, lacking in absolute truths. Leo helped define this for me here: 

However, I think his critique of postmodernism is a little unfair. From what I've observed, he's attached the radical left with postmodernism, which I don't think to be the case.


God and I worked things out

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I’m just reading his book. He is definitely an interesting person and worth looking into. I like his theory about integrating the shadow (he took it from Jung I believe) but I find he digs into the religious stuff too much in my opinion- although it is interesting what he has to say. He goes very deeply into archetypes which are, I suppose, buried in our minds so it might be useful to learn more about them. I have some funny feelings when he talks about role of women and men in the society, I don’t quite agree there with him. I think people are starting to consider him some kind of a guru and I always have a bit of a careful reaction to such blind following, I immediately take a step back, just in case ;) to see what happens. He seems overwhelmed by it all as well anyway. We is very eloquent, articulate, smart, composed. 

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Was listening to his book "12 rules for life." Last night, was partially asleep, but was surprised, to hear him talking about "enlightenment". (Though maybe was imagining it). Mentioned, a quote by Jung, about a strong/enlightened "person's roots reaching to hell". 

Also surprised, there are no books by Jung in Leo's booklist. 

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JBP is astoundingly open-minded, intelligent, honest, and eloquent. Easily my favorite human alive right now.   

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Freedom from the past is essential. All accepted assumptions of the past become projected extensions of thought and the movement of desire for that which is beyond reality. There is no truth in accordance to knowledge/thought. Truth is totally independent of thought. Imitation and conformity to concepts, ideas, and theory’s don’t bring about wisdom or any kind of psychological revolution. Ideas, projections of thought which is fragmentation within reality only brings about further conflict and degeneration within reality. This is something  one can observe for them selves if they watch very carefully.  

I will say the very ability to communicate with one another is essential and for that leo has hit the ball out of that park. This forum can bring about curiosity and may invoke interest in ang given direction. Although there will always be deception and corruption within the forum the fact that there is a place to have discussions presents its own significance. 

We are all in this together. It’s not about me or you it’s about the whole. ?


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I think his popularity has to do with todays modern, technological society which is quickly breaking down all social convention and tradition, which leads to young people feeling lost in the world. A world in which everything is possible is a world in which nothing is possible.

Basically, back in the day, there was a path that young people were expected to take. Learn some kind of trade which runs in the family, something your father or mother does. Or maybe something your father encourages you to do, like being a well paid lawyer or something. 

But nowadays, kids are learned that you can be anything you want, anything you can think of. Which leads a lot of people totally clueless how to live their lives. Because what if they make the wrong career choice? What if I waste my life doing something which I don't like to do? This choice overload leaves a lot of people depressed and anxious. A loss of connection to ones responsibilities and connection.

I think Jordan Peterson reminds young people that life isn't all about you and your little ego. That there is great joy in taking responsibility and offering value to the world. That if we all just walk around aimlessly, we'd all be hopelessly depressed. And society would eventually regress and maybe collapse. He makes clear that there is value in tradition and social convention even if is isn't "cool" to admit that if you are young. Basically he is telling young people to grow up. Because our modern society is actually telling our youth the opposite, stay young, stay foolish etc. And staying young is fine, but not without adding value somehow to the world.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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Better than Leo? please. They are two different people for starters and they express themselves very differently. Both can be useful. I Personally love Peterson's content, but Leo? His content is predicated more on nature of how we interact with reality, what it is. Peterson largely dissects society, it's impact on us and vice versa, whilst debating opinions/idea's he strongly disagree's with. In short, he is more involved in the "Theatre".

So is Leo, but he's expressing it differently. For starters he doesn't believe in good or evil, or atleast he has proclaimed this in his video's. Peterson's very foundation is based on his idea of what is right and wrong.

Leo talks about what an idea is.

Peterson deals with outter world phenomena, how humans operate in different circumstances. Very interesting and useful.

But you cannot get the same information, or get ""better" content from Peterson than Leo as they are generally focused on different things.

Leo talks more how we to correctly integrate information, the nature of thought to try break down the opinion biases you may have. Peterson is a different ball game.

Whilst similar on the surface, at the core they are different. Peterson is great and i have his future authoring program, anyone interested should look it up.

At least i think :)

Personally, i feel Leo's approach to life is more beneficial as the issue's i am aware of are based on my dependancy on circumstance to make me happy, like what food does to hunger that is the role circumstance plays to my happiness it is the source. Wether that be drugs, excercise or a thought even. So personally Leo is head an shoulders above in content. No doubt in my mind about it.

Who is better? It is circumstantial, it's funny how these things work.  I'm dependant on circumstance to make me happy.   I am trying to change the way i relate to myself and the world in this regard but paradoxically the person i deem to be more useful and "better"  is the based on the very thing that i am dependant on. Circumstance.  Is this a strange loop that Leo talks about in his video?



Edited by MisterMan

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Peterson became popular by weighting on issues that society currently debates. He kind of solved the problem of marketing this way. Being deeply knowledgeable in archetypes and stuff probably helped to do it. But he is much deeper than his short popular videos. His book “Maps on Meaning” was written 1999 but was not widely read. For example, taking into account topics popular of this forum, here are citations from the book.

On the idea of the absolute:

"The great dragon of chaos – the uroboros, the self-devouring serpent – might be conceptualized as pure (latent) information, before it is parsed into the world of the familiar, the unfamiliar, and the experiencing subject. The uroboros is the stuff of which categorical knowledge is composed, before being that knowledge; it is the primary “element” of the world, which is decomposed into cosmos, surrounding chaos, and the exploratory process which “separates” the two."

"Mythic symbols of the chaos of the beginning are imaginative pictures, whose purpose is representation of a paradoxical totality – a “state,” (which is already to say something too determinate) self-contained, uniform, and complete, where everything now distinct resides in union: a state where being and non-being, beginning and end, matter and energy, spirit and body, consciousness and unconsciousness, femininity and masculinity, night and day remain compounded, prior to their discrimination into the separable elements of experience. In this “state,” all conceivable pairs of opposites and contradictory forces exist together – within the all-encompassing embrace of an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent and altogether mysterious God."

On the idea of transcending society, forging your own path and self actualization:

“Rituals designed to strengthen group identity hold chaos at bay, but threaten individual identification” with the exploratory hero – an identity upon which maintenance of the group ultimately depends. For the sake of the group, therefore, the individual must not be rendered subservient to the group.

The Word – in its guise as painstakingly abstracted action and object – can create new worlds and destroy old; can pose an unbearable threat to seemingly stable cultures, and can redeem those that have become senescent, inflexible and paralytic. To those who have “sold their souls” to the group, however, the Word is indistinguishable from the enemy."

“The phenomenon of interest – that precursor to exploratory behavior – signals the presence of a potentially “beneficial” anomaly. Interest manifests itself where an assimilable but novel phenomenon exists: where something new “hides,” in a partially comprehensible form. Devout adherence to the dictates of interest – assuming a suitably disciplined character – therefore insures stabilization and renewal of personality and world.

Interest is a spirit beckoning from the unknown – a spirit calling from outside the “walls” of society. Pursuit of individual interest means hearkening to this spirit’s call – means journeying outside the protective walls of childhood dependence and adolescent group identification; means also return to to and rejuvenation of society. This means that pursuit of individual interest – development of true individuality – is equivalent to identification with the hero. Such identification renders the world bearable, despite its tragedies – and reduces unnecessary suffering, which most effectively destroys, to an absolute minimum.This is the message that everyone wants to hear. Risk your security. Face the unknown. Quit lying to yourself, and do what your heart truly tells you to do. You will be better for it, and so will the world.”

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Awesome to see others getting so much from Peterson. Honestly, for me, he filled some gaps that Leo really couldn't at my current stage of development. I plan on combining both Leo + JBP going forward.

Check out this video of Peterson on Rubin Report, Amazing conversation from today. Psychedelics and talk of consciousness starts at 1hr 10mins. Absolutely love these kinds of topics receiving such positive treatment. JBP is a real life superhero. 


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Well, I think Jordan Peterson is on to something, but he doesn't quite hit the mark. One of the BIGGEST mistakes he makes is with so called "dominance hierarchies" or "hierarchies of competence". 
You can find the explanation here, if you're patient. The intro is about string theory but you can skip to 9:00 and the video builds up from there. 
Basically, the "answer" to everything is the Normal Distribution, and you simply need to understand it to understand pretty much everything.


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Extremely fascinating talk on epistemology with JBP. At an hour 53, minutes he's describing god as finding infinity.



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