
What the present moment feels like to You?

21 posts in this topic

Hello Guys :),

I am trying to contemplate what the present moment is. I know it might sound silly and we can have the direct experience of IT. Two years ago, when Leo downloaded his first video on Enlightenment topic, I had a significant experience: to me, a present moment was some sort of a jar, like a big glass jar. Nothing could extend beyond it, and future with the past was like a pine cones in this jar.

When you think of the present moment what associations do you have with it?

P.S. Leo, I am still working on that info you posted two years ago ;)  


"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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Present moment is when you are not. When the accumulation of content of ones mind/past is emptied and when all projections of volition in pursuit of a future experience cease. 

An art of living?

Edited by Faceless

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The present moment is an illusion.

Take a moment and think about something that happened yesterday in as much detail as possible. Now seriously question yourself and ask: 'When did that happen?', yesterday, right? Then ask youself: 'WHEN was I thinking about what happened yesterday?', just now, right? And so, next: 'What was I thinking about, when I was thinking about what happened yesterday?', exactly the same thing, yes or no?

The only realistic conclusion you can draw, if you submit to it, is that yesterday never happened yesterday (or at all), it is in fact just a hallucination you're having in the present moment. You can draw exactly the same conclusions about events in the future, they're just the same hallucinations in the present moment.

So what about the present moment? Ok, turn your attention to say, some music playing in the background, pay attention to the lyrics or the melody. Ask yourself: 'WHEN is it happening?', now, right? Ah no, it's gone already, it's already turned into a hallucination of a past moment. It's like trying to grab a pint of running water with your bare fist, you think you have it, but you don't.

So again, the only sensible conclusion you can draw, is that the present moment is also a hallucination. BUT, at least the present moment IS the whole of reality, you just have to come to terms with it being JUST a hallucination.

57% paranoid

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My eternal muse

One’s center is not one’s center, it is the center of the whole. 

And the ego-center is one’s center.

That is the only difference, but that is a vast difference.- 

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If the psychological entity “continuity of the me in becoming” is in movement there is no present moment. Only a continuation of the past slightly modified as the present and projected into the future which implies that the present “moment of direct perception” is never actually met at all. This entire movement of volition according to ones past is stained in place of the present and projects itself into the future.

As long as the self “thought” which is a movement of time “becoming” is in movement there is no present moment. Only a constant movement of thought which in its very attempt to becomes secure creates its own illusion, deception, delusion. And furthermore establishes its own self induced insecurity. 

If we are not constantly attentive to our innatention of thought and it’s tendencie to attribute to itself an independent existence then thought distorts reality. This is where and why self deceptions, illusions, and hallucinations manifest. 

Edited by Faceless

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@Galyna My take-away of it is - your glass jar represents the entirety of the universe as a bubble of conscious awareness. That's what the present moment feels like to me. Everything is here, complete and perfectly balanced.

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Paradoxically the Now is both always changing and never changes.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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5 hours ago, Galyna said:

When you think of the present moment what associations do you have with it?


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I share the glass bubble feeling, that there’s nothing beyond the senses that could sensibly be sensed, the richness of the sound bed, the reverberations of the each sound together, and i feel the home and the calm in now.  I love knowing it’s always there. I also feel like even the most silent now is in a state of about to be funny. And I love how all questions resolve into the meow. 



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It feels complete and perfect. Mmmm I can smell the cinnamon of those pine cones. 


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9 hours ago, Galyna said:

When you think of the present moment what associations do you have with it?

It's a moment of peace that you can "enjoy" and take advantage of it. If you know your calling, work on that. It can lead to more awakenings.

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Thanks for the nice answers,  Guys...

I am working on it, every time I have a free minute,  but I feel angry because I can not get there yet. I want experience,  the holistic one, but not sure if I am on the right path yet. Feels like one day I will have it,  since I want it from all my heart. :)

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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@Nahm I hope so... I need to break up my mind, it still wants to have a linier thinking :)

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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Something like this:



God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Galyna  The present is the only moment there is. It is inescapable. Can a moment be found that is not present? Any thought or feeling about past or future can only be happening or felt now. Any absence of such a thought or feeling can only be absent now. It is sheer emptifullness.

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If one is bound, slave, by the accumulation of thought which is memory, knowledge, experience, “the self” and one meets the present in accordance to that content of the me, is there a meeting the present moment fully at all, or is the content of there past meeting that moment? Therefore theres a feeling that this present moment has not been met somehow. 

Do you see that there is no present moment if this self is imposed or stained in place of what would be a  present moment. It then becomes just an extension of the past, slightly modified, and projected to the future. And this continues over and over. This is why the present moment is so elusive. 

See for yourself friends


Edited by Faceless

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The present moment is that fresh untouched by others space where you can let go of past and future and bathe in the current of

-1/12 is Infinity 

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