
When your ego is "dead" why will continue  giving food to the body?

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The ego AND the food AND the body are illusory. There is a freedom from preference in eating that is freeing, sweeter and more delicious than any food. Most eat semiconsciously based on feeling better. That’s making feeling good a second priority to taste. That’s ridiculous if you think about it. 



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Trying to control reality is Egoic and an illusion of the Mind.  The Body is a conceptualization of what is part of the fabric of what is here, what exists in the moment.  Aliveness is a conceptualization.  At the end of the day -- you're not gonna find aliveness existing in reality beyond being a conceptualization.  So, aliveness is a label.  Labels are like leaves being blown around in the wind compared to reality.  So, don't let issues with labels change your beliefs or attitudes regarding what's actually here in the moment.  What's here is what's here -- you should just accept reality fully.  But just because you accept reality DOESN'T mean that you should identify with thoughts and emotions.  There is no you to identify, so that's an illusion of the Mind.  When you become aware of these identifications, your keen-awareness in the moment will then cause them to dissolve.  Find the Authentic-Self and just stay out of its way.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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What I've found is that health and spirituality often go hand in hand.

The reason people tend not to take care of themselves is that they have a lot of low vibration, negative energy inside of them. They actually want to hurt themselves because low vibration energy attracts more low vibration energy. Just like when you're mad, you often want to stay mad.

But there's a raising of vibration during the spiritual purification process. That higher vibration energy wants to see things thrive and succeed, and so people suddenly are more interested in their health.

Of course it's not always that cut and dry. But generally that is what I see within myself and others. The more I wake up, the more I want to put better food and better influences into my body.



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Um... why has no one mentioned that food tastes awesome???


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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The body gives signals involuntarily when it needs nourishment, the ego is not required to get hunger pangs, it just wants to choose the meal...well, that and take pictures of it to post to social media.

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When your ego is dead there is no more entity deciding to take action such as eating food, drinking water, and sleeping. After enlightenment (ego death) one will experience starvation then later on die from dehydration

Sarcaste <3 the Sarcasm in Me acknowledges and honors the Sarcasm in You 

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The ego is not about hunger at all, it's all about greed.

And in fact your true self needs to survive for a purpose, just like your ego has to die for you to achieve your purpose.

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On 28/01/2018 at 5:24 PM, Marinador said:

Hi all, I'm new in the forum

My question is this:

When your ego is "dead" why will continue  giving food to the body?

When the "ego" is dead there is no "you" giving food to the body so the question of why shouldn't arise. Body does whatever it can to survive

There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality

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