Sahil Pandit

Purging through Low Consciousness Dreams

3 posts in this topic

Hello ya'll, 

Got a question.

I have been having repeating dreams for quite some time now, and in the dreams, I am facing the deep negative emotions. All of the nasty, low consciousness/ ego tendencies are purging through me.

During waking state, I am completely fine, just feel vulnerable at times.

How have you dealt with these repeating negative dreams? (Btw, they are not all related dreams, they are chaotic and random at times. The "deeper meaning" is yet to be discovered...

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If it's a repeating dream, you gotta ask yourself what the core fear is there which you have. And then work through that consciousness, and that should help stop those dreams.

Those repeating negative dreams have a lesson they are trying to teach you. So contemplate what the lesson is.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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