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I came across a yogi's youtube channel on the internet today. He speaks only in Tamil. He claims to be enlightened. I was listening to some of the videos and I came across a documentary by a TV channel about him.

In the documentary, he says that he always had a fear of heights, used to have a feeling like he was falling from somewhere and had many other visions related to a plane. After enlightenment, he started to blabber something in a different language while he was meditating. When he recorded that and asked a friend about it, he said that it is a language spoken in Peru. Eventually, he says that he came to know that he was a pilot in his last birth and the plane crashed. He died in the plane crash. He also says that a lady who tried to save him during his last birth is born as his daughter in this birth. His daughter also has a tendency to cry whenever she hears the sound of a plane. He is able to do astral travel but he doesn't have the power to leave the country. But he is very much interested in doing more research about his previous birth and he is hoping that one day he will be able to travel to Peru. 

Anyway, I just wanted to share this info that I came across today. Some of you may find this info interesting. Here is the documentary about him but it is in Tamil. You can still watch it and make sense of it, based on the info I gave you.



Edited by Shanmugam


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i also have strong fear of heights and constant dreams of falling down from heights from the early age

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He seems to be an interesting guy.. I watched some of his videos. He criticizes Sadhguru a lot. But he also claims that the witnessing meditation by Osho (which I practiced) cannot lead one to enlightenment. But this is not correct. It worked for me.

Anyway, in general, he seems to be very clear and speak a lot of authentic stuff. But I have been always skeptical of anyone who claims to remember the past lives. I know it is very easy to imagine something and fool oneself. It happens to a lot of people; they genuinely believe that it is their past life while those memories are just distorted memories of the current life, buried deep inside the unconsciousness mind. This is not to say that no one can remember past lives. It might be a possibility. I just don't have any reason to believe it. Instead, I remain totally indifferent.

But it is possible that he is enlightened and still be fooled by some distorted memories. It is also possible for an enlightened person to be wrong about a particular method or path. Whatever the case is, I have just found one more reason to bridge science and spirituality.  


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@Shanmugam If someone remembered their past lives, it would be best to keep it a secret. It's a very radical thing. A lot of things about consciousness are very radical. 

The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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