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Any Entertainment For Enlightened People, Or People Seeking Enlightenment.

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Since starting down this path and learning what is good for my mind, I find there is literally no suitable entertainment, it is all insane.  Besides some sort of ambient fractal video, or looking at some kind of art,  or listening to music, almost all entertainment makes me feel bad now, I have no idea why.  Should I not be taking in entertainment anymore?   Everything is overly edited and too loud, jarring and sort of low attention span feeling.  I can literally feel the inside of my body get tight when I watch almost any show or movie, I feel like almost anything on a screen is hurting my mind or poisoning me in some way.   I feel I have to guard myself from advertising, as I can see the damage it can do.   

Almost every show or movie is either exremely negative, or offers to make the viewer feel good through something equally as crappy, such as revenge or justice, or getting some bad guy.  All of those things feel bad to me, getting a bad guy just feels crappy now, how can anyone enjoy that?  Most of my family constantly has the tv on watching a show about crimes and punishment.  They don't know they are feeding a sense of justice and non forgiveness and that it hurts them, and I feel like it poisons my mind if i even walk through the room, I can feel like a poison in my body when I'm exposed to something like that.  It's either all gray and depressing, or it's overly edited, loud, and annoying.  I feel like people don't even know what real life looks like, because they feel depressing things are realistic, not knowing it's their own mind making things look depressing to them, it's silly.


We're all looking for enlightenment on this forum, but sometimes we just want to have pointless fun, alone, isn't that still ok, or should we give that up?  And is there anything at all that can be watched strictly for fun that is sorta on the same frequency we are on?

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@Mulky You wouldn't say that if you were fully enlightened.

You might have had one or several enlightenment experience, but if you were fully enlightened, you wouldn't see anything as negative, you wouldn't see any separation. And if something is negative the way you see it right now, it wouldn't bother you at all, it would just be the way it is without any idea, any conception, any belief. 

Just try to look at your thoughts when you are having those : "That's very crappy, it's making me feel bad, it's grey and depressive, and the other peoples look at that without even noticing that" ... Ask yourself  : Why do I think it's bad ? Is it really ? Who is thinking that ? Who is the I ? Where does those emotions comes from ? ...

You can learn from literally anything. Every experience is here for a reason, for you to learn something. There isn't anything "bad" in the end, nor is there anything good, those are just labels you put on your perceptions. Be open, and look at your perceptions the way they really are, look at the beliefs you hold, the ideas you have. Everything is fascinating from this point of view.

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Now, @Mulky I can suggest you some movies I watched, movies that makes you question yourself and your beliefs. I really enjoy watching those kind of movies, because there is a deeper meaning to them (well, in the end there isn't any, but at our level of consciousness, with the beliefs we hold, there is, and those can be usefull) :

→Spring, summer, fall, winter and spring

→The tale of princess kaguya (Ghibli)

→Spirited away (Ghibli)



→I Origins

→The life of Pi

→Enlightenment guaranteed (Well, I didn't watched this one, because I didn't found it in english, it's a german movie, but it seems very interesting... and funny)


→The Wolf of wall street (to see that materialistic things doesn't makes you really happy)

→The Island 

→Matrix (well, this one, you should already know)

→The trueman show (This one as well I guess)

→Moving from emptiness : the life and art of a zen dude

... there are some more actually, you can search for that on google, typing "spiritual movies" for example.


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I find the sense of equanimity I feel in real life doesn't work on a screen for some reason.  Like I can see the beauty of like the ground, doing nothing, but that same sense doesn't come to me through a screen ever.   Even something normally considered scary ugly or bad is still beautiful in real life, but not on a screen.  Like nature, to me the beauty of nature doesn't come to me through a screen.   I guess in the past watching something was a comfort thing, but now I find I'm always less happy watching a screen than I would be otherwise.   I'm not really looking for a show or movie about enlightenment, I'm just looking for some entertainment that has some beauty and like calm to it, maybe even some formlessness and randomness and not mentalness to it.

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Youtube-Channel AwakenWithJP. I'm pretty sure he is awake as far as I can tell. Great comedy on there but also more serious advice.

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3 hours ago, Mulky said:

Like nature, to me the beauty of nature doesn't come to me through a screen.

What are you talking about? Have you seen the new 4k televisions? :)

But really, don't limit yourself to just television and movies for entertainment. There's hiking, biking, hanging out with friends and family, reading, learning, drawing, playing an instrument, camping, cooking, exercising, taking baths, gardening, taking care of pets, taking care of yourself, make lattes, write a blog, etc. That's just a small portion of the things you could do instead of tv.

If you just want to veg on the couch and watch something, then eh, you just have to accept that society's not perfect and there's a whole spectrum of morality across all the mediums. Sometimes the sense of justice is dealt so heavy-handed I can't help but laugh. You'll just have to do your own research to find something you might like. Documentaries might be up your alley.

Edited by Grasshopper

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