
What can girls do to meet a guy?

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As soon as I left my bf he got enlightened or something (wow, what a rekt xD). So yeah, good for him...

Anywayyy, most of the info out there is for guys and how GUYS are supposed to approach GIRLS, not the other way around. So what do I do as a girl to meet a guy? Heck, I don't even feel comfortable talking online, let alone irl. Some tips please?

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Stay single and get comfortable being it. I smell jealousy and emptiness in your message, so the worst thing you can do right now is get yourself another guy to fill this up. 

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@Psyche_92 No jealousy, no emptiness. Idk what you're talking about.

@Melwyn Hmm good question... Most "relationship gurus" say you have to make yourself look super cute then go to events and such to get noticed and then someone will approach you. But this sucks, because I cannot approach anyone, because I'm a girl and I'm not supposed to do that. :( That would make me look desperate. Was looking for some tips from other girls and women.

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@Aquarius I do agree with Psyche_92, waiting will probably do you better, suffer throught the breakup so to speak.

Regardless, I don't complain to guys who wants girlfriends so why should I do the opposite. You'll have to get yourself out there, sitting on you ass obviously doesn't do you any good. If you go out and meet new people surely you'll find a guy you'll like, maybe a concert, maybe a stand-up show, whatever you fancy.  Also nothing wrong with talking to the guy first or making the first move, it can come off as desperate, but It can also come off as confident. Guys do actually like confident girls, although in a different way.

I would stay away from online apps and sites, I've found that there is a normally a reason people have to use to dating sites etc.

P.S It can also just be the way you worded your question, that makes us think this way. II mean if you resenly broke up, you should stay away from guys

Edited by Spiral

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@Spiral Why would I suffer from this breakup? It's over and that's it lol. Nothing to suffer through. Or is there some rule that you must suffer after a break up?

You're right, but I don't know how to make the first move, and there are almost never any concerts or events so idk. And I don't feel like spending money on traveling to "hunt dick". I'm really scared of people too, I admit I need some help or self-help to feel more comfy. I actually have a friend who always brings other friends I never met before and I think that's cool, but most of the time it's teens and I feel old. But nah, I kinda don't want to depend on him, not quite sure what to do. 

Thing is, I'm not this super cute nurturing sweet creature of light or whatever, I'm super moody, slow, sometimes rude, way too quiet, and I want people like this next to me. And this type of people like me usually don't go outside (because we don't feel at home next to other people who are constantly dramatizing and whatnot). I would like someone mature, authentic and similar to me in what i described before. That's why I was thinking dating sites. Why do you not recommend dating sites?

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@Aquarius I mean you don't have suffer because you recently have gone through a breakup, you also don't need to love the person you're in a relationship with. It just uncommon.

You know what? I think dating sites etc will be the way to go for you^_^ Maybe bars/clubs?

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1 hour ago, Aquarius said:

But this sucks, because I cannot approach anyone, because I'm a girl and I'm not supposed to do that. :( That would make me look desperate.

Not really. How it looks is only a matter of how you pull it off. I have been approached by girls few times and it was always a pleasant experience. Never thought anything negative about the person in that kind of situation. It's a matter of projecting confidence.

I can imagine I wouldn't be so happy to talk with the girl if she wasn't confident. I wouldn't reject her instantly (because we men actually have hearts), but direct interaction towards quick ending instead.

You see, you can gve yourself many excuses: "I will look desperate", "I will look like a slut", etc... The truth is you simply don't know if it works for you until you try it. That's what I encourage you to do, try approaching a guy.

Edited by Girzo

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@Aquarius  The fruitsection! :)

I would like a girl to say hi when I buy my daily daily greens and fruits.

She needs to say hi and have some question about when something is ripe or so.


Mention that you are single and likes men.

Jaa, that pretty much will do it.

Before you know it you´ll buy your first potato together and live happily ever after.


Come back after the weekend and tell us how you did! :)

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Ya, honestly, just look good and make eye contact and approach. Have your life together too and be nice. I am so attracted to nice women who are mature and have their shit together. In fact, maturity and centeredness is just as important to me as looks. @Aquarius

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I've never watched his content, but supposedly this guy helps a lot of girls.

You might want to check him out.

My two cents is that if you're just trying to MEET a guy, then the bar is pretty low. Just look as good as possible, keep putting yourself out there socially and don't look like you're angry at life. You'll get approached soon enough.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@Shiva Oh god, actually, I tried a dating site yesterday, full of pervs if you ask me.

@Spiral I did love that person with all my heart and still do and will forever, he is like the most perfect human being for me even if he is super flawed sometimes, but I accept every little detail and see him for what he is. This doesn't mean I have to be sad after the break up because I truly love him and respect his freedom, I don't feel like possessing him as an object. That's why I said I'm not sad. I'm sad, but it's because I'm lonely, not because I was attached or something. I mean we still go out for a beer and give each other advice (esp. him cause he's older. He gives me dating tips now :) ) Also naah, I'm looking for intellectual men not hook-ups. :( Maybe a dating app would be the best option for me, but I had a bad experience yesterday (I still have trouble setting boundaries...).

@blazed But are those the kind of guys I want to meet? Who like me for my butt only? But you're right kinda... Oh well. I'm actually lucky cause I'm super curvy, thicc, athletic (don't even work out I'm just like this), and my face is like a 7.50-8/10? I noticed when I had makeup on and sexy clothes my boyfriend (now ex)  sort of wanted to rip off my clothes when we were walking in the forest, and he usually barely holds my hand (this was last summer). I think my weakest point is that I have super-short hair, but that's my fault, I did it, so no excuses, I know, I know. Thanks for your sincerity and the direct approach of the situation, highly appreciated. :) 

@Girzo Thanks for the feedback!

@Barbarian Number 8 I'll try this once, I guess? Tnx. :D 

@Shane597 Thanks for your feedback! 

@aurum Thanks, I know this teacher, he is pretty good at what he teaches. :) 

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 Do you have problem with communicating(i have) you approach and make guy talk about himself and everything else is up to the guy and give clues like shoulder touch,laugh etc.

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@Aquarius where do u live?

Also, check out Hayley Quinn’s vids and blogs on women approaching men. She’s been advocating for women to approach men. In fact, many guys have said that they would be impressed that u approached a guy. Hell I wish that hot women would approach me all the time.

Btw, the vast majority guys don’t cold approach because they are worried that they will come off as a desperate weirdo to a random girl, which is not true as long as they approach in a respectful manner.

When cold approaching, treat the guys you talk to with respect. Don’t do any cat calling or going up to a guy and be like “Damn boy! You look like you’re packing down there!” or saying “Are you a fire hydrant? Because you just got me soaking wet!” or go “Hey baby! You look like hot stuff! You wanna comeback to my place for a good time??” Also, don’t physically escalate too fast with men or start touching his upper thighs or butt from the getgo of any interaction. Remember, men are people too, not objects, and most of them are worried about being taken advantage of by women. I mean there are some guys who just want to get laid and have casual sex, but generally speaking men tend to look for an real emotional connection with a girl before they have sex and are looking to settle down with someone whom he can make a family with. Plus, they need to feel like they are safe and can trust a woman enough before they feel comfortable to fuck her.

Edited by Hardkill

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@Aquarius The easiest way is to be "out there" and be open to getting approached but to be honest I don't like the waiting strategy at all.

By what you said you definitely need to practice your communication skills and verbal game so to speak, by building this foundation you are going to cultivate an extremely attractive character that will implement and supercharge your physical appearance.

I've had girls open me but that requires an extreme amount of confidence if you can pull it off without being self-conscious you will be out of this world.

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Just smile in a very sheerful way, several eyes contact for like 1/2 seconds intermitted with 3/4 seconds of "I'm too shy to hold your gaze", if the guy has enough balls he will come to talk :) 

Like seriously, it's that easy (and so few women does this lol).


And just a single tip that will save you some trouble (if you don't already know):

If you sense a "bad" vibe in your stomach when you talk to a guy, even if you're extremely attracted to him, that's a huge red flag.
He probably wants to use you, your choice if it doesn't bother you, but it could be worse than just meaningless sex ...
If you keep having bad experiences despite knowing this, then you need more consciousness work to be able to feel this more clearly, it's like the number one thing to know for a woman.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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