
Opening Of The Heart

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Open up your heart to the understanding of how beautiful this world really is, how kind, how compassionate, how deeply healing, how beautifully peaceful and light, how nothing is forced, nothing has to be, nothing needs, nothing wants, nothing struggles, nothing hates, nothing calculates, nothing searches, nothing bumps into walls... 

There is SO MUCH LOVE here and there for you, with you, in you................................................. by the way, notice also that crying and laughing come from same place. Crying comes to this body here, from the expansion of joy when reading your posts and watching you unfold into your greatness... 




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  On 3/1/2016 at 10:43 AM, Ayla said:

Open up your heart to the understanding of how beautiful this world really is, how kind, how compassionate, how deeply healing, how beautifully peaceful and light, how nothing is forced, nothing has to be, nothing needs, nothing wants, nothing struggles, nothing hates, nothing calculates, nothing searches, nothing bumps into walls... 

There is SO MUCH LOVE here and there for you, with you, in you................................................. by the way, notice also that crying and laughing come from same place. Crying comes to this body here, from the expansion of joy when reading your posts and watching you unfold into your greatness... 


And crying comes to this body as well when reading this. Love it.  Thank you!

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It is in this type of deep joy and love, that one can really let go of everything that was an illusion. Because here, there's not your peace or mine... Peace just is. There's no I LOVE YOU... there's just love like a sort of a melting into other bits of love.. :)

It is here in this that person-hood can be left aside for you to come into the full realization of the love that you really are. 

So so so much joy! 



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  On 3/1/2016 at 10:17 AM, WelcometoReality said:

Thank you Ayla. First reaction, anger: I already know this, I'm already awake. Seeing through the illusion of self. Second reaction, sadness: of not knowing what you are talking about. A lot of emotion has start to come up. Progress. The realization will come by itself, there is no I to force things. All that can be done is seeing through the illusion.


I have been there... It felt SO frustrating and helpless!! All previous drama was coming up and out to get "me". Mind had become a monster.. Trying, striving, wanting, probing, poking, beating.... And then something gave up. Something just fell "back". Something just dropped. Relaxed into itself. Evaporating. Exploding. Expanding. Understanding. Seeing. Being. Peace. Silence. Present. TRUTH.

Always been there. Always happening as it should. 

Clouds...all parts of a cloud being a cloud dancing within itself... Such is the beauty of who you are.



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A lot is happening now. I just talked to my daughter at the kitchen table, it didn't feel like "my" voice. Walking feels strange, like im walking for the first time. Energy pulses from my torso. gratefulness, joy and sadness all at once.

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  On 3/1/2016 at 0:08 PM, WelcometoReality said:

A lot is happening now. I just talked to my daughter at the kitchen table, it didn't feel like "my" voice. Walking feels strange, like im walking for the first time. Energy pulses from my torso. gratefulness, joy and sadness all at once.

I have felt that walk.. its like pure being experiencing life through you. You have let go of resistance.

Beautiful, but even that will pass. Enjoy it, but let it pass, dont hold on any state of mind..

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  On 3/1/2016 at 0:23 PM, werlight said:

I have felt that walk.. its like pure being experiencing life through you. You have let go of resistance.

Beautiful, but even that will pass. Enjoy it, but let it pass, dont hold on any state of mind..

right now I just feel empty.

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  On 3/1/2016 at 0:29 PM, WelcometoReality said:

right now I just feel empty.

@WelcometoReality Imagine you are a beautiful musical instrument. You are NOT meant to play only ONE note.

You are meant to play all your notes !  .. and make amazing music...

We must accept and love our human nature profoundly and completely. Not only the desirable aspects of our humanity but every part of who we are. Accept and love it as it is. Don't judge it, fight it or try to change it.

It is natural to sometimes feel sad, sleepy, tired, hungry, to have a headache or even to be frightened or in a bad mood. Don't judge your emotions. Don't feel guilty for feeling them. They are part of what make you human. Let your emotions be. Accept them and love them as part of who you are.

The key is to be mindful of your own state of mind knowing and accepting that it is subject to change. That's how you let go of resistance and find peace.

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There is no "I" walking and yet I am. It's all empty, is this oneness? No love felt.

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  On 3/1/2016 at 0:55 PM, WelcometoReality said:

is this oneness? 

Who is asking this? Relax into it. You know it already. Stop striving. Questions and worries are just seem. You are already that. 



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OK, now leave the I AM too. Just drop it. Drop oneness, drop love, drop everything.

What is there left? 



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  On 3/1/2016 at 2:29 PM, WelcometoReality said:


Is there an experiencer of that? 



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  On 3/1/2016 at 2:32 PM, WelcometoReality said:

experiencing is more fitting

Is there something/one there experiencing? 



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