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Amazing book

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It has been a while since I posted here, but I just wanted to share a great book that I highly recommend: Already Free by Bruce Tift. 

He is an awakened Buddhist that is also a therapist. The way he describes how the mind works is highly adaptable to western minds. Check it out and compare it to your experience, and I think that many of you will be pleasantly surprised.


Also, I wanted to say that Leo's video today was incredibly brave to post. One of my first posts in this forum was right after awakening, and at the time, it was difficult for me to post because of how honest I was to complete strangers. For a person who was once as rational as Leo to put himself out there like that is quite an accomplishment in itself. For what it's worth, his experience tracks my own in many ways, and I really think he is using his ability to eloquently explain the concepts in a way that has the potential to be highly beneficial to those who are seeking.


Anyways, check out the book!

Meditation is the mind training itself. You are just along for the ride.

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