Adam M

did u guys see this shit

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13 hours ago, JustinS said:

The haunted universe video that Leo mentioned.

Where has he mentioned that video?

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8 minutes ago, blazed said:

My thoughts are the only thing that can do that. What else can make me angry!?

Me saying something that doesn't agree with your worldview and insisting that my way is more correct than your way of seeing things. This will make you angry. Also if 99% of humanity also agrees with me and you cannot see a reason why everyone is so dumb. That's when you'll be angry as fukkk.. Just wait for it. Anger is part of life.

You've got no control of the arising in consciousness is what i'm saying. 

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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16 minutes ago, JustinS said:

@blazed You're on the right track, keep going. Kill all the teachers and find yourself. 

Kill the Buddha.

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@Brivido Sorry it was not a video he mentioned just the author Steven Norquist. I believe it's him he's talking about. 


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Just now, Psyche_92 said:

Kill the Buddha.

I'd have a picnic with him. Seems like a cool dude to be around. 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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I loved when Leo talked about free speech*. It brought me back to the time when I had the very same insight about freeedom of speeeeeeeeeeeeeech. Which was later limited by the very Leo who talks about it now. Ofcourse I accepted it because it was stated that this forum is not a democracy z_z


Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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I meditated right after watching the video this morning. it was one of the best sessions I've had so far. not that it was an easy sitting, I felt lots of energy and it was quite hard to stay there. my mind wasn't very quiet either. but I was so inspired that I came back to the observer again and again. as if going beyond my mind and then towards the end it felt like something cracked open and I saw Leo's smile. the uninhibited, crazy, authentic smile he had in the video. I felt so happy for him and then I had to cry 

thanks for sharing this with us @Leo Gura <3 the power lies in its authenticity <3

Edited by phoenix666

whatever arises, love that

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@blazed  The challenge is communicating something indescribable.

Is that an organic free range meal worm fed small farm locally-sourced egg you want me to suck? Nevermind I'm going vegan.

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2 hours ago, blazed said:

@Leo Gura

Many people like Rupert Spira says enlightenment is not an amazing thing and you should not expect an event to happen.

In the video you acting like the most  amazing thing ever has happened like you achieved something.

Your reaction in this video is exactly like how you explained your meo-5 experience.


This is why most miss it. It's very simple and if anything, can be disappointing, as the beliefs that followed about it don't match. It's just always there and everywhere no matter what is. Nothing special in the slightest. There was a testing phase and then relaxation. Then just life continues as it was, the same albeit very different.


 If there are fireworks, and therefore not constant no matter where 'you' are, it was just a nice experience. I like experiences but it ain't the end. 


The danger in the video is that it might set it up into something it might not be, best to give people the tools to get there so experience is first hand without any assumptions about it. With assumptions there will be just more work to do.

Edited by Ocean

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22 minutes ago, SOUL said:

@blazed  The challenge is communicating something indescribable.


This is why one should settle before even attempting this. Years maybe decades. You might be leading people in the wrong direction, even with the best of intentions.  

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2 hours ago, blazed said:

@Leo Gura

Many people like Rupert Spira says enlightenment is not an amazing thing and you should not expect an event to happen.

In the video you acting like the most  amazing thing ever has happened like you achieved something.

Your reaction in this video is exactly like how you explained your meo-5 experience.

I fucking give up all these spiritual teachers talk shit that directly contractdicting and calling out each others bulls hit.

You're all fucking figments of my imagination anyway you don't exist without me, so you can all go suck an egg!

You're not looking past to what the words are pointing at.  Rupert Spira is correct in the sense that enlightenment is the most ordinary thing.  Leo's experience could also totally be authentic and not contradictory.  

Ever heard people say that there is no enlightenment to work for because you are already are enlightened?  Ever heard people also say the seemingly very contradictory idea that you have to work very heard in meditation practice for enlightenment?  If you understand what enlightenment is, you see very clearly, that they are both 100% correct.  They're just talking about aspects of enlightenment in different ways.

Don't focus so much on the petty content of people's words when they talk about this stuff.  Try to see where they're pointing.  

There's a really good quote I heard somewhere that says something like "a wise man points at the moon, the ignorant person looks at the finger."  You're looking at the finger, which is why you're so confused.  You'll understand better as you progress.  

Edited by Heart of Space

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@Heart of Space 

Words are important here, they point to something. The video is still filled with personal identifications and loaded separation concepts. 

It's a very, very noisy video, whether it's from thoughts or speech - and one who is identify with it rather than seeing past them. 

Silence and simple recognition, even if descriptive thoughts arise. It's also that, but it's not. That's just noise. All perfect still, until....

Edited by Ocean

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@Leo Guraso what's your current permanent stage of awakening? u didn't mention that in video. Since you talk about god's vehicle, I guess you are in non-duality in terms of oneness but with a subtle sense of that someone(god) is doing you? what adiyashanti calls sense of divine self/will. but im interested if suffering still exist on that level? i mean suffering from identification with body/mind. if you now identify with divine self, do u still identify with body/mind?

ps. sorry for projections, just asking.


Edited by Monkey-man

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Watched the last video

Leo talk about the importance of love 



God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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31 minutes ago, blazed said:

chasing my own tail looking for nothingness.

@blazed What do you expect to find? Get the cosmic joke yet?:D

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Yes, the Absolute is the most ordinary thing.

During an awakening moment, it will feel extraordinary and mindblowing because you're going through a breakthrough.

But then, when that passes, you look around and you realize that the ordinary world you've always been stuck in is none other than the Absolute.

The turd floating the your toilet is the Absolute. And so is everything else.

The Godhead can be glimpsed, and that's amazing and mindblowing. But then you realize that everything is God, no matter what state you are in.

3 hours ago, Monkey-man said:

so what's your current permanent stage of awakening? u didn't mention that in video.

I did mention it a bit.

I'm not in any kind of permanent state of samadhi, but I do understand that everything I look at is myself, and God, and the Absolute. There is nothing but the Absolute. But of course my mind is still not fully peaceful. It still wants more. Which is where I have to train myself with mindfulness practices and so on. This is where Eckhart Tolle's advice really shines: BE IN THE NOW. But this only makes sense AFTER you'd really penetrated through to the Godhead. Until then, that advice falls flat because you don't know that the NOW is the Absolute, and you don't know what the Absolute is.

I am trying to be more mindful that all human beings who I interact with are in fact myself. I understand the truth of it, it's just that my mind has 30 years of bad habits to unwire. If I'm mindless in my interactions, I treat people as "other". If I slow down and practice deliberate mindfulness, then I remember, "Oh yeah! This person is actually myself!"

The whole trick is that you wake up to the truth, but then the mind loves to fall back into its old unconscious ways. So I'm trying to practice a lot more mindfulness now to keep myself reminded of the truth.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Appreciation moment,

Because sometimes there is no words.

@Leo Gura


Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Be wise now friends, don't blind yourselves.


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21 hours ago, eskwire said:

Such confusion on this forum. It was nice to see you smile, Leo - feeling no difference between the body and the world is ineffable and I cried a little bit sharing that with someone. It's not like it sounds and we don't get to talk about it with loved ones. That is why this place is special. ? I am holding questions and observing my own judgements.

I withheld and observed - and now I've seen the beginning of the follow-up. While watching the enlightenment experience video, I noticed judgement in my mind about the repetition and consolidation of ideas previously discussed in other videos. It seemed peculiar to phrase things in the exact same way. Perhaps experiences vary, but during awakening for me, it was too stunning for words, let alone the same words forged in the previous paradigm. While we can discuss stages of awakening, the process of awakening and integration, the value of learning from psychedelic trips vs just tripping balls, and misunderstanding about abiding enlightenment - this all comes down to whether or not you believe psychedelically induced enlightenment is equivalent to "old school" enlightenment. That does appear to be a belief, and a fundamental one to the discussion at hand. I personally do not believe they are the same. I can't say that I am disappointed, because he appeared pretty clearly to be tripping, and it was nice to see him smile. To me, psychedelics are medicine, and one should not lean too heavily on them.

nothing is anything

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