Adam M

did u guys see this shit

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@Socrates same here :/ 

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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3 hours ago, Temo said:

Nobody gonna talk about 666 on the wall? 


edit: oh.. youre referring to the spirals hahahaha

Edited by Omni

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3 hours ago, Socrates said:

i haven't fix basic needs yet but i still bother with nonduality. Maybe i am chasing two rabbits...

Me too. I feel like it's impossible to pursue both of them at the same time, but then again if i make the choice to layoff enlightenment work, i fall back into my old habits and end up craving non-dual territory anyways. 

Edited by Psyche_92

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You can do self-inquiry always, and it's so much fun, just observe the body mind and your silly ways with it, with the curiosity or deep knowing that you're not it and that you can find that out, and how amazing that is, and that you can also play this body mind, and love.

And that all the relationships you ever had, was you! Omg, how special, intimate and beautiful.

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@Omni lol i noticed too, but I'm just trolling though. I think those spirals represent infinite regress which is the symbol Leo chose for his actualized logo?

Edited by Angelo John Gage

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@Angelo John Gage  I tend to prefer the interpretation of the original 'Lucifer' mythos and meaning -- as opposed to the perhaps adulterated judeo-christian version, from wiki: ... "In classical mythology, Lucifer ('light-bringer' in Latin), Phosphorus (same meaning in Greek), Eosphoros ('dawn-bringer' in Greek) was a personification of the morning star as a male figure bearing a torch, 'the fabled son of Aurora and Cephalus, and father of Ceyx'. There is almost no legend about the Lucifer of classical mythology, but he was often presented in poetry as heralding the dawn."

 Leo's is just another voice now bespeaking that legend of tomorrow ;) 

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@Psyche_92 Working hard for school, pursuing consciousness work and doing Life purpose work is indeed quite a bunch. But not doing it feels even worse haha

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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1 hour ago, Angelo John Gage said:

Anyone else notice this

@Leo Gura is Lucifer trying to give you info lol.




The truth has been unveiled !



God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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I don't really watch Leo's videos but i did this one and it's so funny watching consciousness negotiate between the finite and infinite. Being aware of how obvious it is, how simple, it's not the 1 or 1000 hours to prepare for it, it's the it of it, the infinIT, the be now here happens in an instant, every instant, every moment of the seamless inseparable now and I can see it in his eyes, the 'mind blown' is shown.

It's so funny watching the realization of trying to justify capitalism in view of enlightenment with how can a finite me take money me from another me to tell other me about infinite me to pile it in bank me to get beans me to feed body me when I am aware it's all me.... how can me justify taking me from me to hoard me for capitalism? It's so funny I'm literally laughing out loud with tears in my eyes typing it.

Haha you see it! @Leo Gura InfinIT bean... er... being!


Now you get it so don't forget it now as the body impedes being awareness recedes into a memory of infinity.

Yes, fire the finite desire to take it's bite so make it's fight or die trying to kill the enlightening eye of awakening.

Smothering coals hiding candles under bowls blind shadow screams remember dreams & goals gotta pay the tolls.

Yet, hire infinite me so see clarity the feel of eternity's endless wheel unspun with nowhere to run now life's begun.


Oh snap, that just popped right out. Maybe I'll call it Infinite Beans, now I need to make finite breakfast... haha

Edited by SOUL

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7 hours ago, Temo said:

Nobody gonna talk about 666 on the wall? 

Maybe he's a Satanist. 

I for one don't believe in Satan/Devil, it's delusional

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@snowleopard The gods of the Abrahamic faiths are just man-made nonsense to enslave people. I agree that the only logical intrepreation of the fake fairy-tales is that Lucifer is simply the one created to give man knowledge, otherwise, how would the God of the Abrahamic faith's sick plan happen? The Abrahamic god is not God, but some made up entity that has human personality traits such as anger, jealousy, etc...(I wonder why lol) 



Edited by Angelo John Gage

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I don't see why there is a lot of "hate" on this. It takes a lot of balls to take DMT or whatever Leo took and be this authentic on camera. There is nothing weird about what he did. Of course in our "ego" states this is "crazy"; especially to someone who has no clue wtf this path is, but we should know better. In fact, I would assume 99% of you have taken psychedelics and wouldn't dare record yourselves in fear of being judged. So for those of you hating or thinking this was a stupid thing to do, dont' be so hypocritical. 



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I really hope in the video he was not on psychedelics... Because it is highly likely that there was no Enlightenment at all in that case. 

My limited speculation: This video was recorded on the same day after very powerful psychedelic trip. But at the time he was recording he was probably already sober. In that case that could be real Enlightenment. However, let's wait for his second video and we'll see.

Edited by egoless

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31 minutes ago, blazed said:

@Leo Gura

Many people like Rupert Spira says enlightenment is not an amazing thing and you should not expect an event to happen.

In the video you acting like the most  amazing thing ever has happened like you achieved something.

Your reaction in this video is exactly like how you explained your meo-5 experience.

I fucking give up all these spiritual teachers talk shit that directly contractdicting and calling out each others bulls hit.

You're all fucking figments of my imagination anyway you don't exist without me, so you can all go suck an egg!

You're wrong! I am the highest spiritual teacher and you know it because I am not a famous spiritual teacher :D So listen to me! JK JK! Or am I? Yeah, I am! ...? 

Yes it's just an experience. Enlightenment is not even the highest bliss. Enlightenment is unaffected by the highest and the lowest. Unchanged. Higher than the highest, Lower than the lowest. It's better to aim to recognize the peace behind everything rather than the things. 

Rupert Spira is on the money. So is Mooji. So is Roger Castillo.

In fact  you could intuit that any high has it's opposite low. If you experience heaven you will experience hell. It's better to ride the small waves, not wish for big ones, because the crash hurts more the bigger the wave, unless you're an extremely good surfer! 

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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41 minutes ago, blazed said:

You're all fucking figments of my imagination anyway you don't exist without me, so you can all go suck an egg!

Angry at your thoughts then?

"Maybe aliens is sitting somewhere up there looking at this at like a video feed and jerking off to it. You don't know!" - Leo Gura, 2018

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@blazed You're on the right track, keep going. Kill all the teachers and find yourself. 

Edited by JustinS


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12 minutes ago, blazed said:

Ops that sounded like a rant against Leo that's not what i intended.

Just saying I'm getting tired of the BS what's the point in doing anything spiritual when all they're are doing is contradicting each other and calling out each others experiences as nonsense and BS.


@blazed Let em all collapse and trust your own inner guru. :)

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