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Habits for motivation?

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tl;dr: is there any techniques/routines for keeping yourself inspired?

As of now I'm 20, studying some stuff I don't really care about (but I will be done by this summer so I might aswell get through it) while trying to build good habits such as practising music (which is what I really care about), meditation, going to the gym, reading books etc

My problem is that I tend to forget my motivations behind all of these things and how good and on purpose I feel when it's all structured and in place and I'm actually progressing. 

Is there some kind of habit I could put in place that would help me remember what I really care about? The awareness alone is curative method has worked a bit for me at least making me realize when I'm doing something effecting me badly in the long run, but it does not get me fired up to go approach something better.

Or is having something that keeps me fired up just a pipe dream and putting up a schedule I force myself to follow (which I want to be doing anyways) is the only way to do it?

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