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Lately I've been experiencing a feeling of euphoria. I've been remembering things I've forgotten about , life feels more in a dream-like state. Thoughts leave easier. Who's been here before ?

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Yeah started feeling that once I saw Deep down the nature of the self, thought, This seemed “euphoric” now remembering back.. Out of knowhere just hit me all of a sudden. And for a few months I seemed to be in this dream like state. I thought maybe this was the product of no thought but later saw that there were still some subtle forms of thought still moving. Images were still being formed and thought was still attributing to itself qualities independent of thought. But with an understanding of thought these mistakes become less and less which ultimately makes for a quiet mind capable headlessness. 

Wait until the experiencer vacates altogether. It’s something. It’s the ultimate freedom?

Edited by Faceless

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I had that happen for a while to.  not sure if I just got used to it or if it stopped :)

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