
Do enlightened ppl still ask 'Why' ?

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41 minutes ago, JustinS said:

@Monkey-man Haha this is for you




Sadhguru: Fundamentally, any spiritual path can be described as a journey from the muladhara to the sahasrar. This journey is an evolution from one dimension to another; these are just seven different levels of intensity.

To move your energies from muladhara to ajna, there are many spiritual processes and several ways, but to move from ajna to sahasrara, there is no path. There is no particular way. One has to either jump or fall into a bottomless pit. This is called “falling upward.” In yoga, they say unless you are willing to fall upward, you won’t get there.

Fundamentally, any spiritual path can be described as a journey from the muladhara to the sahasrara

This is why so many so-called spiritual people have come to the conclusion that peace is the highest possibility – because they got stuck in agna. Peace is not the highest possibility. You can become ecstatic, so ecstatic that the whole world becomes a big joke in your understanding and experience. Everything that is dead serious for everybody is just a joke for you.



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@Monkey-man The Absolute is the why.

You'll understand when you directly experience it.

All questions are answered to a level of satisfaction beyond imagination. You have infinite understanding. But it cannot be verbalized. You see why the whole thing is the way it is and couldn't be otherwise.

God and world are not anything but you.

God = world = you.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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No, I just "know" why. Don't ask me how I know. It just becomes crystal clear.

Also things like why smart/clever/high IQ people have autism also becomes clear. Because the world is designed to make people suffer. And through suffering they chase enlightenment, to end their pain, and so they advance spiritualy.



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3 hours ago, Nahm said:

Another attempt to point to it - Sight, thinking, awareness, being. In that order.

You can visually see. You can think of what you see. You can not visually see your thinking. It goes in one direction. Thinking is transcendant to seeing.

You can think. You can be aware of what you think. You can not think your awareness. It goes in one direction. Awareness is transcendant to thinking.

You are being. You are being aware. You are not aware of your Being. It goes in one direction. Being, is transcendant to awareness. 

So you’d have to go straight through what you’re seeing, everything you’re thinking, all that you’re aware of, right into your very being. Then, you’d have acquired the perspective of how all is you.

That probably sounded good to you in theory and I don't want to detail every aspect it unravels but simply will point out that I am aware of being.


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@SOUL I know I’m direct (wife reminds me) but I love to learn and enhance distinctions. I am interested if you care to elaborate. Seriously, tear a new hole in anything I say. I welcome it. ❤️❤️❤️ 

Edit: Might be unnecessary, not sure, but I mean “being” in the sense of you are a Being - not as in “being funny” or “being aware”. I mean you are THE Being, which is aware, and that that does not go the other direction. 



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@JustinS I act very much the same way often when I read these posts.... en joy life.

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@Nahm Well, awareness and being both take place in a directionless state, a timeless state or to combine those two in the arrow of time doesn't apply, it's in the now. Present moment would be the best directional time phrase to describe it but that still reflects characteristics of something passing that we would be placing attention on, not existing as being aware without the 'wheel spinning'.

Awareness, being and now all coexisting in our 'physical manifest observational mind', another phrase that doesn't quite capture the awareness of being aware in being now state thing I'm trying to describe, results in the laughter displayed in that great video posted here even if we don't always gaffaw out loud from the life en joy.


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@SOUL It seems to me there is being, which is very far “outside” of spacetime and the illusion is anchored to the being with what we otherwise refer to as gravity, in superposition / potentiality - relative to the experience of it, and being is being aware.... awareness which is entanglement, or not in time, but not out of time, due to entanglement / no time, this “process” (really it’s magic) is experienced as the present - light / wave duality - collapsed..., but only if within it is a false “perception” of observation, resulting in us thinking we’re alive, and time is passing. I’m sure it could work backwards but I have no idea how. 



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No is the simple answer and there is no further explanation needed because unless you have the direct experience yourself, you cannot and will not ever comprehend.


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@Nahm Yes, the timeless and spaceless quantum is shown through the physics collapse of the wave-particle duality.... which isn't really a duality, another example of this mistaken perception, because the wave-particle collapse doesn't happen until a third is introduced.....observation!

Awareness, being and now... *poof* *big bang*... manifest existence.

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@SOUL No third. It’s a loop. There’s no observer. The wave, and the particle, and the ‘observer’ are the illusion of the absolute. Superposition would be “between” the illusion and the absolute (but illusionary).



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@Nahm The universe exists, do your kids exist? Do you not feed them when they cry that they are hungry? Do you not hug on them when they want your love? Or do you push them away telling them they don't exist? Do you let them starve because their hunger is an "illusion"?

It being an illusion is not the same as it doesn't exist..... that is denying existence instead of accepting it. Don't confuse your belief of what it is for what is.

When we unite awareness, being and now in our mind of observation it allows for the embracing of life.

Stop mental masturbating and live life en joy.

I post these because it seems people on here only listen to people saying it in videos but it is what it is.

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@SOUL Once you experience what is real, what is absolute, all else is revealed to be the illusion. It can’t be communicated. You’d have to experience it for yourself to have clarity on the things in your last post. Of course I love my kids. Lol. Of course you, me and them are in reality the absolute, and in every other way - an illusion. 

Edit: The moon is not there when you’re not looking at it.

And if I was any more joyful right now, I’d explode I think. 

Love you Soul!



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@Nahm You sure do love mental masturbating to your beliefs of real and illusion, now change your draws and hug your kids, life exists.

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