
Do enlightened ppl still ask 'Why' ?

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8 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Monkey-man So, what do you make of all this? Great post btw.

its just many nondual teachers regardless of enlightenment have variety of answers on why formless consciousness manifests in forms

and its usually something like: consciousness wants to know itself, god wants to amuse himself, god wants to test himself, god wants to love himself and many other theories, so i was curious whether realized ppl still continue to think about the first cause with the sense of lack of knowing it, and i guess they do but its without sense of lack, which is one of the key differences between enlightened and not enlightened questioning i suppose.

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Monkey-man The Absolute is the why.

You'll understand when you directly experience it.

All questions are answered to a level of satisfaction beyond imagination. You have infinite understanding. But it cannot be verbalized. You see why the whole thing is the way it is and couldn't be otherwise.

God and world are not anything but you.

God = world = you.

During an Aya ceremony there was this form of absolute clarity. Everything was understood, yet there was nothing to be understood. 

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@Monkey-man Very NICE Question that you ask. The Answer To That Would Be Yes. There are Questions To Be Asked Even Upon The Realization Of The Separate Self. The Key It Forges On the Mental Path Is Very Relevant For Higher Progress Of The So Called GRIND     > That Is Questions Cause you to BeCome ENTANGLED (It Means To Be FREED OF THE OBSTACLES: THOUGHTS Fainting The Mind Rendering the Wrong Questions) In the MEDIUM of Quest. And As Rintrospecting Through Thinking (Thinking ===== THOUGHTS) Sunders the Undesirable Rtertwining RIbrations, The Mechanism Of                    TELE-KINÉ TRANSMITS TO YOU Right THOT-Forms A-BOUT THINGS PERTAINING The Rhoughts (R Is Just A Way To Alter The Meaning Of The Word) to UNDERTAKE YOUR Questions Thoughts (YOU) Recieve THROUGH INTROSPECTION.


Edited by Kserkkj

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Sorry Guys If The Messages Don't Make A Lot Of Sense. I am Practicing Channeling Work.


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@Nahm  In my own experience, even with the sense of joy in being, it is so simple it's just funny.

Edited by SOUL

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