
Why higher consciousness values?

21 posts in this topic


Why do we as a community praise high consciousness values? Values are inherently absolutely relative. Your values can be whatever and they depend on the goals an individual has. Cruelty, closed-mindedness and low consciousness are values to a mafioso.

Why does it need to be high consciousness? Does this serve our agenda?

"Well, but sure, you don't want to suffer in your life, want to live a dissatisfied life or be guilty on your deathbed!" - yeah, but these are choices I or you make. Even if I don't want these, this doesn't prove that these are absolute. Even if the human machine has "preferences", it can "sabotage itself" (which a majority of society does by pursuing success, but it doesn't make it lesser or lower level).

My mind abused this realization, I started playing video games again because my subconscious values are guiding me and there is no reason to change anything if I don't want to design my life - which I intend to.

This and the "value" of valuelessness makes it so that I can't say this without being a heretic of my own "faith". Back to the design table, starting from square 1.

Spirituality is any movement towards the Unnamable. Everything is spiritual.

The only true way out Resistance is going into it because any way out of it is staying in it.

The purest life possible is surrendering to the Absolute.

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@Torkys ultimately, whatever value you pursue you’re pursuing it because you think it’ll bring you some sense of fulfillment and satisfaction, would you agree? 

Reality is interdependent, so ultimately any suffering you inflict on others is inflicting suffering on yourself. Most people are confused about this and so they don’t realize that when they are harming others, they are harming themselves. And it doesn’t make sense to harm yourself does it? Since you want to be satisfied and fulfilled? 

We pursue higher consciousness values because they’re inherently helpful and beneficial to others, as well as ourselves. 

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You either want to live an amazing powerful life and make the most of it or be mediocre and average and do the bare minimum.

It's a simple metric. 

Memento Mori

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There is no why. You can choose to follow whatever values you want.

Be careful what you choose. You just might get it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Torkys said:


My mind abused this realization, I started playing video games again because my subconscious values are guiding me and there is no reason to change anything if I don't want to design my life - which I intend to.


Did you come up with that theory after playing a video game or did you mull over the theory and then decide "Video games are not bad, let's play a game?"

I think we apply a lot of meaning to our actions in hindsight and subconsciously we are just reacting. In hindsight we create a narrative for the subconscious actions and a positive yet manipulative part of our ego deludes us into thinking we chose that bad vice due to reasoning. Then we tell ourselves it must be such a complex topic and of course we didn't just let our egos trick us into some low conscious act - we are high conscious beings after all - and that the search is so challenging. I have no real recollection of typing any of this and now that I am finishing the response I apply my usual narrative that I am a often described as seeing things from a slightly different angle to most people and therefor I have a good chance of helping you and making myself feel useful. 

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@Slade The ego wants to survive, therefore it wants an easy life, therefore it wants comfort, therefore permanent happiness. Spirituality is a search for permanent happiness - a quote from my earlier contemplations.

You make a decision because you have a better reason to do it than any other option. This includes values. This requires contemplation though. Thanks!

1 hour ago, Truth said:

You either want to live an amazing powerful life and make the most of it or be mediocre and average and do the bare minimum.

That's a preference. Not more valid than other ones.

36 minutes ago, star ark said:

Did you come up with that theory after playing a video game or did you mull over the theory and then decide "Video games are not bad, let's play a game?"

I bashed video games earlier and moralized against them, after trying them again - hey, that's enjoyable! After starting to do LP work, those justifications came back.

Spirituality is any movement towards the Unnamable. Everything is spiritual.

The only true way out Resistance is going into it because any way out of it is staying in it.

The purest life possible is surrendering to the Absolute.

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41 minutes ago, Torkys said:


That's a preference. Not more valid than other ones.

lol did I say it was more valid? 

Live a mediocre life, live a passionate life, see if anyone other than you gives a shit. 

Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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1 hour ago, Torkys said:


I bashed video games earlier and moralized against them, after trying them again - hey, that's enjoyable! After starting to do LP work, those justifications came back.

I meant more along the lines of when you first moralized against games in the first place that was in hindsight, I suspect it's more of the same again. You say "My mind abused this realization" which is 2 things, the mind and the realization itself. Sorry but I don't believe you realized anything and then came to conclusions, I think you played a game and made up a narrative after the fact, then you played another game and made a different narrative involving reasoning and topics pertaining to self inquiry.

The ego seems to be applying heaps of importance to the lessons you are learning when you procrastinate, always i hindsight.

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The question is what are your top 10 high-consciousness values.   And you do have them subconsciously — you’re just probably not consciously aware of them yet.  Leo’s Life Purpose Course can help you figure that out. 

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Starting at square one is an intelligent decision my friend. Get rid of all the conjectures and presuppositions that have been accumulated by thought along the way.  You don’t need them and you never did. Most people fear the known coming to an end but you my friend are embracing it. And if you follow through with that I’m certain you will not regret it. 

Until later my friend ??

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Good question, personally I've come to see that operating from a place of higher consciousness tends to lead to less suffering and higher levels of success and fulfillment. That means not partaking in lower consciousness activities all the time. These are things that are linked to fear, anxiety, anger, and depression. When we are willing to live out values like understanding, love, or freedom you have an inclination to grow and thus experience life in a new way. This attitude of moving towards higher ideals for yourself is arguably a necessary trait in order to become a happy human being, psychologist Abraham Maslow has lots to say on this matter in his book "Toward a Psychology of Being" 

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I've chosen to live by higher consciousness values because it makes me happy and fulfilled. It's honestly quite selfish.


"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Comparisons are a foundation of language, including the term “higher”. 

Unfortunately it’s quite easy to slip into thinking about how freakin’ high my consciousness is compared to others. ?

Perhaps “evolved consciousness” isnt as loaded. Or one could drop the story altogether and just be.


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ah yes good ol simple appreciation for everyday beauty. And then out of that non-expectation of this desire for “higher consciousness” that everyone seems to be so attatched to one finds themselves swimming in a sea of endless timelessness. 

Ahhh! so refreshing to just be huh friend?


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Neti neti not this ?

Edited by Faceless

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gotta want more, more more! 

On 1/21/2018 at 1:41 PM, Torkys said:


Why do we as a community praise high consciousness values?


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@star ark Nope dude, I had a direct experience of subconscious values and it ended with me stopping to moralize about video games. If there was no objective to follow in the first place, it won't ruin my potential to get a win in Fortnite.

@MDMD @aurum I would say the exact same thing as to @Truth, but I realized that this is a stupid argument to make. If I settle for whatever, you could always make the objection that "Oh, I got ya! You value a preference more!". How stupid of me. -_-

@Faceless@Joseph Maynor (if you (will) see this) I decided to finish doing Steve Pavlina's life purpose exercise tonight. I already did it for around 80 minutes and got to the point where I read my latest "guess" and almost start crying. Gotta do exercises, create my mission statement and set my life around these. 

Spirituality is any movement towards the Unnamable. Everything is spiritual.

The only true way out Resistance is going into it because any way out of it is staying in it.

The purest life possible is surrendering to the Absolute.

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Because you are low consciousness. Because you are not functioning, you only think you are functioning, you only think, have opinions, you live in your own world, worlds created by unconsciousness, illusions. You are not yourself, you do not have opinions marked by clarity and authenticity, you are in a trance of illusions, delusions, you are not conscious of yourself, you are not conscious at all. This is why you should have "high consciousness values". Or maybe you should drop this phrase and just live life and when you will feel miserable and see you are dependent on the external circumstances, that they are the one that dictate your life, then come back to the "work", and you will understand why from your own experience.

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@Torkys your purpose should be I accordance to what you find the most interesting and significant?

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