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Loose skin HELP!

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Ok i weigh 103 kilos/227 pounds. And tomorrow i am starting my fitness journey.

Some thing i am really afraid of as i start to drop the weight is loose skin.

Is there any way i can avoid it.

Id love to hear from you

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There is some evidence that fasting gets rid of loose skin through the process of autophagy.

Look up the study where a guy fasted for almost a year to loose weight. 

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What is your % of bodyfat? Would you say you have a lot of fat tissue around your body? 103 kg doesn't seem like massive size unless you are like 155 cm tall and never exercised in your life. 

If you are mildly overweight, you will not have hanging skin especially since you won't be losing like 1 kilo per day. 

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Depends on age, in what biome you live, what you eat, how fast you loose, scincare and some things that I forgot.

btw, Good Luck! I am trying myself :)

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If you lose weight by not eating , that'll create a loose skin but with exercise that is moderate enough that doesn't make you thin very fast  you should be fine.

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At your weight it will be fine. Might take a tiny amount of time if you drop it fast af. Guessing your not 70 as then you would not ask. AND loose skin should be the absolute last you should think of :) 

take five minutes of every meditation and visualize it as thight as can be ;) Yes it works..

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