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Back In The Day

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Love this site. Thanks for all the interesting topics. Enjoyed reading the questions posted and the insightful responses.

I'm a great believer in health and natural healing. Have used some homeopathy remedies (zinc for boils etc). I also relied on Jethro Kloss's book called "Back to Eden" quite a bit when my children were growing up. So I believe very much in the old ways of doing things. I think native people in any country such as America, New Zealand and Australia knew the way to stay healthy. 

I thought I'd just share a book I found, which is amazing! Talks about how our forefathers got through the tough times with home grown food, remedies and even the "root cellars  they built - and how to build them to keep their food fresh. Awesome reading.  And you also get 3 free bonuses.  Here's the link to get this awesome book:

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