
How to stop slacking off after every meditation 'breakthroughs'?

19 posts in this topic

Every time I have some 'significant' meditation/self-inquiry breakthrough/insights/higher consciousness state I feel like slacking off, laid back, chilling etc and so I waste next couple days or even week not being as productive as before.

WTF? How not to slack off after every spiritual 'achievement'? This is horrible! Its as if my mind feels that it accomplished something and get tired, and forces me to go and have a break instead of doing work! And then after a break I realize that I was horribly deceived by myself. Its not nice.

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  1. Continue meditating
  2. Have a breakthrough experience
  3. Observe your mind not wanting to meditate 
  4. Repeat

It's already a great thing that you notice this problem. Awareness alone is curative. If you observe your mind long enough with higher levels of consciousness, you will experience so much tension and conflict within yourself that slacking off will be impossible for you. 

Spirituality is any movement towards the Unnamable. Everything is spiritual.

The only true way out Resistance is going into it because any way out of it is staying in it.

The purest life possible is surrendering to the Absolute.

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On 19/01/2018 at 1:31 PM, Mighty Mouse said:

The fire under your ass is ego, without ego there would be no personal drive. Whenever you feel you've "achieved" something, the ego recedes for a while until it comes up with something else to be discontent about. That's simply how it works. Whether that's a good or a bad thing depends on what you want.

That's interesting. What you suggest is that it is ego itself that wants to achieve higher states of consciousness?  But aren't those states achieved by the dropping of Ego? 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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1 minute ago, Mighty Mouse said:

It's always ego that wants something, whether it's states of consciousness or growth or enlightenment or anything else. And those are three different things by the way.

In the case of enlightenment, yes the paradox is that the thing that wants it (or that thinks it wants it) is the very thing in the way of it, and can never actually have it. That's why you can't be enlightened and still have a passion (don't think that is not an ego trip).

In fact having a passion pretty much guarantees that you're safe from enlightenment. But in any case the egoic drive is necessary to do the work required for enlightenment and get the ball rolling with enough momentum to continue on its own when the egoic drive starts to dry up.

In all other cases, it's ego that wants and ego that gets. States of consciousness are like candy to ego. Growth is something of a double-edged sword for ego because it involves some shedding of ego in order to become a mature and healthy ego. But it can deal with the cost if it can appreciate the gain.


I like what you're  saying. I've had similar thoughts but too scared to vocalize it in this circle jerk

-1/12 is Infinity 

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On 1/21/2018 at 3:42 AM, Mighty Mouse said:

That's why you can't be enlightened and still have a passion


Don't go projecting your personal feelings about enlightenment onto others.

If you like to get all nihilisitc about it, that's your thing. You and Jed can drink each other's tears. But that's not a requirement of truth.

The deepest passion is borne from dispassion.

The more conscious I become, the more passionate I become. My passion is highest at zero ego.

And don't confuse divine purpose with an ego trip. There is a larger wisdom at work here. Search inside your heart and ye shall find it.

An enlightenment without heart is just a waste. Like winning the lottery but not being able to spend a dime.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The deepest passion is borne from dispassion.

The more conscious I become, the more passionate I become. My passion is highest at zero ego.

And don't confuse divine purpose with an ego trip. There is a larger wisdom at work here. Search inside your heart and ye shall find it.

An enlightenment without heart is just a waste.

where is the 'up button' when we most need it? 9_9 great post!

@Monkey-man I know what you're talking about. I experience it as well, every time I get a small breakthrough, I slack off the path for a bit. I'm experiencing it right now. it's subtle, but noticeable nonetheless.

I think @Torkys 's advice is gold here. it's already great that we notice the ego backlash. as long as we notice, we're not completely gone ;) we need to stay aware, observe our ego trying to weasel it's way out.

whatever arises, love that

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Isn’t meditation suppose to be fun lol

participating in meditation for an end result?? 

That would be a drag to me?

Its an art, music, or dance ??  ?.. doesn’t need any particular reason to be enjoyed. ??‍♂️

Edited by Faceless

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15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The more conscious I become, the more passionate I become. My passion is highest at zero ego.

At zero ego, what determines the direction of passion? Could that egoless high conscious passion be expressed through staring at a leaf for 8hrs straight? Constructing an elaborate dollhouse with toothpicks? Designing high conscious artificial intelligence?

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@Monkey-man It’s supposed to be fun. Don’t beat up on yourself for ANYTHING. It’s counter productive. You’re doing practices and take days off sometimes. Big f’n Deal. Keep kickin ass!



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12 hours ago, Mighty Mouse said:

You're not that conscious tbh.

And as you know, we don't agree on what enlightenment is.

This has nothing to do with personal feelings. Quite the opposite.

Conscious enough to see that passion doesn't conflict with enlightenment.

It all depends on how high quality your original passion was. If your passion was selfless from the get-go, that will survive the purification process and even get stronger. If your passion was eating donuts and chasing girls, that probably won't.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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The mind deceives into believing it’s idea of nothingness is the same as experiencing nothingness. Usually from a great meditation practice, a really convincing friend, one’s upbringing, or what someone said in a book. 

The difference is, the experience is, of God. Afterwards, when you see the word nothing, it’s the same as seeing the word God.

The idea, is just an idea, protected by an ego that is so clever, it’s invisible. 



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??? Lately, the forum reminds me of the Peter Griffin vs the chicken fight that takes place on the street, then into the grocery store, through a wall into the party store, back onto the street...... the way this same thing comes up in half the posts. Hilarious! It’s called self inquiry!!! ?



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in regards to passion vs no-passion, Daniel Ingram pointed out that excluding non-dual awareness and some other common characteristics, final enlightenment has different implications in feeling and perceptional field for different people. So it might be that some people become passionate after enlightenment and some experience nihilism. Probably in terms of perception and emotions you get what you crave for, how about this! Then there's no wonder why nondual schools are so different in their approach and characteristics. 

This reminds me Jim Carrey's The Mask movie, where mask multiplies owner's personal characteristics. So Jim Carrey's character is a joker and he becomes even bigger joker when he wears mask, while his antagonist becomes even more evil when he wears it. its not to suggest that enlightenment can make 'evil' person even more evil, but here you might see where Zen-Devilry arises from. Zen-Devilry is more about exaggerated nihilism rather than evil as I see it. Then, nihilist might become even more established in his nihilism whether it is devilry kind of nihilism or peaceful nihilism after enlightenment, one who wants to be achiever and passionate will be established in passionate life, while one who wants love and staff will experience bursts of love after enlightenment.

Hey that makes perfect sense, why the hell absolute truth should be same for all in terms of feelings and thinking if truth is not about these things? Absolute is same for all in terms of nondual awareness and realising true nature of reality, but why everyone should interpret or feel about this in the same way? Everyone has their own inclinations, different chemical balance in brain structure and might feel and think about their nondual life differently.

Edited by Monkey-man

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@Mighty Mouse Although it's very clear what you are saying, this person needs help from the game/world/dream/whatever perspective, not Truth's - as you may have mentioned it spoils things in many ways and maybe best keep quiet. I'll attempt to the do the same.

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@Monkey-man@Monkey-man Are you not passionate about discussing this lack of passion? All words and thoughts in the end. Reminded me when I swapped anxious for excitement back in my memories.

Thoughts are the trickster here, it will play with you making you passionate one day and not another. If you're having insights about the nature of things let them settle and if it means being with lack of passion/excitement so be it. Not that big deal unless you tell yourself it is.

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