
Every spiritual breakthrough follows by slacking off

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Every time I have some meditation/self-inquiry breakthrough/insights/higher consciousness state I feel like slacking off, laid back, chilling etc and so I waste next couple days or even week not being as productive as before.

WTF? How not to slack off after every spiritual 'achievement'?

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@Monkey-man I have the same thing happen. My sense is that this is a reminder that whatever you thought was "productive" before was actually just your ego chasing after illusory goals. So when you experience higher states of consciousness you realize this and thus have no motivation to pursue them. Ultimately, this seems like a step back for your ego, but it is a step forward for a higher self which perhaps will align with actions that come from a more awakened place.

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@WhatIsThis The same phenomenon happens to me, and I rationalize it with the same theory as yours, however, I often wonder if this is total bullshit. I think this is the ego back-lashing and becoming even stronger.  I would recommend watching Leo's video on Zen-devilry. There is always more to learn, and new levels of love and understanding to uncover. I have discovered that I often fall into the trap of believing there is something wrong with me which needs to be improved, but the further I come in the this journey I realize this is an unfulfilling, negatively motivated approach to self-actualization, which often leads me into slacking off. Paradoxically, inside you there is all you need to know to be happy, but naturally you need to grow which entails learning more.

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