Jamie Universe

You came to a conclusion - HA!

11 posts in this topic

So I see a lot of conclusions, and don't get me wrong I'm not saying the conclusions are right/wrong, justified/unjustified, or anything else. But it kind of feels to me like nobody listened to Leo's self-deception video (which btw is a conclusion and a assumption my mind up based on no real-evidence). Where he basically says "self-deception inside a self-deception, inside a self-deception" which btw got my mind running, every conclusion I came to, I ended up questioning, and I questioned the questions, actually starting to feel a little insane (which is healthy to a certain extent maybe).

But me at least, and I see other people doing the same thing as me. Where you come to a conclusion.. and I don't know I just feel like people aren't going far enough (another assumption + conclusion). But even contradicting yourself is another self-deception... Because isn't whatever you 'got' in a sense a conclusion? (Another assumption, probably totally false). 

But if you can ask yourself the question "Can I go beyond this conclusion" And manage to not really know, pushing through all your beliefs, and every inch of "I am right" sort of mentality, or "I am wise" sort of mentality, you can always find more (another assumption, shit I feel like Derrida). 


So I'll leave you on this. If you've read this post and walked way doing nothing, then realize this. You (Maybe) have a egocentric behavior. If you want to expose yourself, then go reread any recent arguments you were in. Or find a way to reach inside your brain instead of others, because this forum is communicating with others and less with yourself. Don't underestimate this, I'm basically just saying what Leo said in his self-deception video, You've got to just try, it can start here, with each reply you post.


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You don't want to repress your conclusions.  Just watch them.  Be aware of them.  Don't deny your preferences -- just don't take them too seriously.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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1 minute ago, Joseph Maynor said:

You don't want to repress your conclusions.  Just watch them.  Be aware of them.  Don't deny your preferences -- just don't take them too seriously.


But are you sure about that? I'm not sure about what you just said. But I'm also not denying it, because if I was denying it, I could also be deceiving myself. 

But as I see it, there's always a possibility, which is yet another conclusion.


Though To be honest, I do feel like a sort of philosophical piece of shit when I talk like that. I could get as confusing as I wanted to.. But I'm really only using that technique of self-deception for some sort of personal-gain - Truth. At which point its useless to sputter on about them unless I'm actually contemplating them. 

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1 minute ago, Jamie Universe said:


But are you sure about that? I'm not sure about what you just said. But I'm also not denying it, because if I was denying it, I could also be deceiving myself. 

But as I see it, there's always a possibility, which is yet another conclusion.


Though To be honest, I do feel like a sort of philosophical piece of shit when I talk like that. I could get as confusing as I wanted to.. But I'm really only using that technique of self-deception for some sort of personal-gain - Truth. At which point its useless to sputter on about them unless I'm actually contemplating them. 

If that makes your mind feel better, run with it.  :)

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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1 minute ago, Joseph Maynor said:

If that makes your mind feel better, run with it.  :)

What's your stance/conclusion on not repressing conclusion? If its one of those things that language can't really explain, and only truth can. Then just tell me and I'll shut up lol.


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Yeah I feel ya @Jamie Universe I had a pretty deep realization today that there's nothing to say anymore, and yet this thought too has been undermined. 

All day today it's felt like this --> 

Both players are me, I spawn, I kill myself, I spawn, I kill myself, I spawn, I kill myself and the more I do this the more I realize how monkey my monkey mind is! and it's all been just one big joke, and it's been turning into presence, jokes and playfulness.

Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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@Joseph Maynor is totally right on this point. If we were to get rid entirely of all conclusions, beliefs and concepts, this forum might just as well be completely empty. It's all maya - it's all fake, but we can't help ourselves to not make use of fakeness, so, (watch out here comes the big conclusion!) it would be best to sincerely acknowledge our thoughts and concepts and just establish distance between them in terms of our identification with them. We cannot under any circumstances be without an ego at any times because even the act of de-identifying with absolutely everything automatically becomes our new identification (the one who de-identifies with everything).

Edited by DocHoliday

Hey, what's up! This is Jack R. Hayes, I'm an author, currently living in Germany. Thus far, I've written two books, both in English and German; one's called "User's Manual for Human Beings", and the other one's called "The Wisdom Espresso". If you'd like to check out my work, visit me at  https://jackrhayes.de  or go to Amazon and search for my name. I'd be happy to see you there!

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Sometimes I wonder if the mind will collapse in exhaustion and just give up under the strain of the constant mental masturbation some people put themselves through... or maybe that was your plan all along.

Edited by SOUL

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Yea I guess that makes sense. I think what my mind was trying to say was, that (what I said previously) is a form of deconstruction. But I over-stepped my bounds a bit and said that the whole conclusion thing was something we needed to change within the game. 


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