
Internet Addiction Is Real!

40 posts in this topic

It's not just internet, it's internet + phone addiction now.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Addiction arises because of the self seeking security in a particular object. Then that pattern becomes mechanical and pleasure is born. A constant desire to re-experience the sensation derived from that object becomes a pleasure. In most if not all cases it’s never the object that causes addiction, it’s the self or thought seeking security in relation to the object.

So maybe some people are on here trying to validate the image they have projected about themselves lol  

Either way one can still learn from those types of people. Just by simply observing another’s behavior is a type of learning??‍♂️




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Just now, Faceless said:

Addiction arises because of the self seeking security in a particular object. Then that pattern becomes mechanical and pleasure is born. A constant desire to re-experience the sensation derived from that object becomes a pleasure. In most if not all cases it’s never the object that causes addiction, it’s the self or thought seeking security in relation to the object.

So maybe some people are on here trying to validate the image they have projected about themselves lol  

Either way one can still learn from those types of people. Just by simply observing another’s behavior is a type of learning??‍♂️




Neither one of those options bodes well for us.

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6 minutes ago, blazed said:

Everything is a distraction that's what meditation and spirituality teaches us but we need to be more aware of our tools.

Are we using the phone as an efficient tool or getting distracted by it?

I used to buy the most expensive phones and install games and play mobile games along side my pc games.

I would be playing a mobile game in between downtimes in my pc game lol,  was very stupid.

These days I buy less specced phones and dont install anything I'm totally unhooked from my mobile it's just a boring device for me to make calls when I absolutely need to.


That’s not entirely true. It’s merely the belief that everything is a distraction. But that’s assuming there is some grand overarching goal to life, which there isn’t. Beyond being a distraction to meditating, there isn’t much else here.

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By the way I use the iPhone as a computer. I’ve never been the computer type. I generally use it for music, to acquire functional knowledge and so on

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Just now, Faceless said:

By the way I use the iPhone as a computer. I’ve never been the computer type. I generally use it for music, to acquire functional knowledge and so on

Hey -- we could be addicted to being and feeling right.  That's a nasty addiction that may be worse and more fundamental than addition to technology.

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39 minutes ago, blazed said:

Your arguments are poor and beneath expected level.

I would link tons of resources but tired right now and i don't think it's worth my time and effort, I'd rather that you just didn't believe me.

"2. A drunk person is conscious but doesn’t remembe anything after the fact."

Lol..... hahah I've literally seen a drunk guy get punched over and over again and not be aware to the fact that he was getting his face caved in.... nevermind.

The “threats” of links aren’t greater than the actual links. I’m willing to bet that you don’t have any links, which is typical of those who say they have the data but are “too tired” to provide it. Benign condescendsion, typical on these sort of forums.

I mean, you cannot say that he is unaware he is getting his face kicked in because you aren’t that person. 

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3 minutes ago, Faceless said:

By the way I use the iPhone as a computer. I’ve never been the computer type. I generally use it for music, to acquire functional knowledge and so on

Define “functional knowledge”. 

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@Thanatos13 how to rewire the electric in my house is what I implied. Or figuring how to fix something on our vehicle. Learning a language and so on 

Edited by Faceless

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5 minutes ago, blazed said:

Not going to debate on this as I said, too much poor argument.

You can do your own fucking research and you'll find all the links I could ever link you lol.

This is automatic admission of defeat. When you tell someone to “do their research” it usually mean you have jack. 


As for dreams and hopes, there is no prize for reaching them. Whether you “chase your dreams” or live a life of senses (video games and tv), the end is the same. 


I think fulfillment is something humans have to trick themselves into believing. The same way they think meditation has the answers but don’t question whether the information is true or not. 


How one one lives their life is irrelevant, since you can’t take it with you. Also you do realize that losing dreams and goals is part of meditation (at least that’s what the creators of the method had in mind). Also it supposedly gives self control, it’s not a guarantee. 


Also millions arent able able to fulfill their dreams because of circumstances beyond their control. It hardly has anything to do with distractions or self control. 

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I mean, it’s been strongly evidenced that humans don’t have free will. 

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So just reading the last 2 pages it sounds like there's some legitimate debating going on, working with each other to get somewhere, but mostly arguing. And honestly arguing every once and a while's fine (I think) but any form of arguing seems to me (not to say that its true) involves pushing your own ideologies forward, and if you cared about actually debating/elaborating on the truth then you would communicate that you weren't infact being a dick to the other person.


The fact that you came to any conclusion at all should say something about self-deception (But then again, what I just said was a conclusion soo...)

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47 minutes ago, Jamie Universe said:

So just reading the last 2 pages it sounds like there's some legitimate debating going on, working with each other to get somewhere, but mostly arguing. And honestly arguing every once and a while's fine (I think) but any form of arguing seems to me (not to say that its true) involves pushing your own ideologies forward, and if you cared about actually debating/elaborating on the truth then you would communicate that you weren't infact being a dick to the other person.


The fact that you came to any conclusion at all should say something about self-deception (But then again, what I just said was a conclusion soo...)

This is all I'm seeing.


Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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1 hour ago, Jamie Universe said:

So just reading the last 2 pages it sounds like there's some legitimate debating going on, working with each other to get somewhere, but mostly arguing. And honestly arguing every once and a while's fine (I think) but any form of arguing seems to me (not to say that its true) involves pushing your own ideologies forward, and if you cared about actually debating/elaborating on the truth then you would communicate that you weren't infact being a dick to the other person.


The fact that you came to any conclusion at all should say something about self-deception (But then again, what I just said was a conclusion soo...)

There is no deception. That fact that you think there is any is itself the deception. To claim deception you need to know truth, but how can you know truth? Ultimately we call enemies of our beliefs deceived. But there is no deception. All people do is follow what they believe to be true, because there is nothing else we can do. Everything we act on is a belief because there is no ultimate grounding for any of it (including nonduality). 


Its like I said, for a guy who is a pyrrhonist Leo doesn’t act like it at all. 

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5 hours ago, onacloudynight said:

I just tried to go 7 days without internet and phone. Needless to say I got to 3 days. I have basically used internet for as long as I can remember. It literally feels exactly like withdrawing from a drug. My mind was going crazy. Wild mood swings and everything, I felt like I wanted to kill someone honestly. I could barely function without out it. I think the key is to gradually cut back and not just stop cold turkey. Dam those 3 days were hell.  I think there is something wrong honestly if you can't be happy without internet. I dare anyone to try this! :P

The sad truth is, we’re all addicted now. The internet/cell phones/TV and everything else has become part of our daily lives. I’d love to not use any of it but it’s so damn addictive I’m scared of what the other side of life looks like!


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I can easily stay away from the internet. I have better and more pleasant things to do. If you are addicted to it, it means you haven't discovered yet that something special, precious to yourself. 

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Well for me I'm like, screw internet, idc much, but that's where I get my music from and I think it's more like a music addiction, like in your case. Also reading stuff, I enjoy learning new things C: Idk what would I do without reading articles and free ebooks. (since the library is wip right now in the town)

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 @onacloudynight   Great challenge! Thank you for this suggestion! I have just completed 7 days no INTERNET. It was the most productive week in months!

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The mind is going crazy because it now has to do everything all on its own, no more handicaps, no more devices, no more calculators, no more videos, no more music, It forces the mind to do and create all these things on its own. Its like not exercising for years then starting to exercise again, your body will go through pain and suffering the first few weeks until it develops and adapts.



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