
Internet Addiction Is Real!

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I just tried to go 7 days without internet and phone. Needless to say I got to 3 days. I have basically used internet for as long as I can remember. It literally feels exactly like withdrawing from a drug. My mind was going crazy. Wild mood swings and everything, I felt like I wanted to kill someone honestly. I could barely function without out it. I think the key is to gradually cut back and not just stop cold turkey. Dam those 3 days were hell.  I think there is something wrong honestly if you can't be happy without internet. I dare anyone to try this! :P

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I also believe this little endeavor made me more conscious. I think being on the internet all the time isn't really good for raising your consciousness.

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I have gone through that 7 days no internet. no phone challenge and succeeded. Meditation helped me a lot. And distracting myself with books. And other hobbies. You can do this!

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@Study Yeah, I know all I really did was meditate and read books. It didn't help that I was snowed in as well. Probably would have helped if I could have gone out. Oh well. Better luck next time I guess.

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18 minutes ago, onacloudynight said:

@Joseph Maynor Music and youtube videos specifically. I seem to be really addicted to the highs that music produces in me. 

I gotta try it myself for a week and see too now.

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I could add this too my list of addictions. One problem is my phone I got a person i wont mention who wants to chat all the time. I try to read self help books, do courses I am in and ever minute the notification goes. Is internet a bad thing if your doing good stuff like that? I turn off notifications but, them apps find a way some how and I don't even know how to turn them off on my lap top. I hate them banners and noises. expecially the banners, Imagine trying to read and some one sticking a little card in front of your face all the time. 

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1 hour ago, onacloudynight said:

I also believe this little endeavor made me more conscious. I think being on the internet all the time isn't really good for raising your consciousness.

There is no such thing as raising your consciousness.

Me I just think of the internet as a tool. I could go without it, but it’s just so practical in this day and age.

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9 minutes ago, blazed said:

Ha thats what the 24/7 gamer geeks say all the time "I can go without it but i just enjoy it and have fun with it" (then they get suicidal if their parents really take away their games)

And yes you can raise your consciousness, you can consciously eat your food and savior every moment of it, or gulp it down without any thought whilst watching a TV show or playing a video game. You can amp your sensitivity to something by placing awareness onto to it.

The generation before ours sat in front of the TV all the time.   Before that people were glued to the radio.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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4 minutes ago, blazed said:

Ha thats what the 24/7 gamer geeks say all the time "I can go without it but i just enjoy it and have fun with it" (then they get suicidal if their parents really take away their games)

And yes you can raise your consciousness, you can consciously eat your food and savior every moment of it, or gulp it down without any thought whilst watching a TV show or playing a video game. You can amp your sensitivity to something by placing awareness onto to it.

That’s not raising your consciousness. That’s like saying having more shoes gives you more walk. You also cannot amp you sensitivity to something by focusing on it. 


You dont actually ally get dumber through the use of the internet. You cannot blame the tool for the issues of yourself. It merely depends what you use the internet for. 


As for for wasting time, there is simply no such phrase. It doesn’t exist. If you enjoy the time then it isn’t wasted. Pure and simple. 


One could argue self improvement is an addiction, and a bit conceited as well. 

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So true.  It is so so soooo hard to break an internet addiction.

I'm thinking of trying again on Monday..

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15 minutes ago, blazed said:

And...I don't get the point you're making? That was bad in of itself, but not as bad as the distractions we have today, and we still have TVs now.

Right i see you're in the devil's adovcate arguing mode so I'm not going to entertain you for too long because it would be like talking to a robot that's designed solely to take information and refute, it's futile and pointless from my point.

However before i leave you I'll say some final things:

Firstly, your analogy sucked balls, if you want to compare it to something then use these examples:

  • An ant or a mosquito might walk on your skin and most of the time you wouldn't even notice it but if you are aware of it you can feel every single tingling sensation that insect makes on your skin and hairs.
  • A person who is not looking at where they are going is not conscious of their surroundings and therefore can hit into a lamp post by mistake as seen by dumb people on their phones (so I guess phones do lower consciousness and awareness, at least from your surroundings).
  • A heavily drunk person is barely conscious of anything, including all his senses.


1. the state of being aware of and responsive to one's surroundings.

2. a person's awareness or perception of something.

Therefore you're idiot why are you arguing with me? This forum lacks so much good sense.

I have done hours and hours of research on the effects of the internet, you're just in denial of the consquences. Neurons that fire together wire together. The more you use your brain in certain ways the more it will develope into encouraging such behavior (neuroplasticity).

Action games for example create good hand eye coordination and responsiveness reaction, which gamer's are using as an arguement for video games being good for the brain, whilst ignoring all the BAD developments and consquences.

The internet addiction and video games consquences are a bad tradeoff, trust me.

But sure you're right it depends how you use the tool, like I already said if you use the internet like you use an educational book, specific and on point you will benefit from it, but most peopel don't, they get lost in the distractions.

As for your wasting time statements, I don't think you developed enough in PD hence why you're making dumb ass comments, playing video games or TV can be fun but it's ultimately wasted time? why because contemplate your death jesus christ, what are you going to say in your death bed?

Oh I didn't watch enough of my favoruite TV series or play all those other games!


There is ambitious and passionate "fun" and then there is turd "fun" that isn't actually that fun but usually a comfort zone where the brain can go brain dead for a while.



A lot of us do not watch TV today.  We sit around on the Internet instead.   You think you're really smart eh?  I can tell from your tone.   It's an arrogant tone.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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53 minutes ago, Thanatos13 said:

That’s not raising your consciousness. That’s like saying having more shoes gives you more walk. You also cannot amp you sensitivity to something by focusing on it.

You obviously haven't done mindfulness meditation.

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19 minutes ago, blazed said:

And...I don't get the point you're making? That was bad in of itself, but not as bad as the distractions we have today, and we still have TVs now.

Right i see you're in the devil's adovcate arguing mode so I'm not going to entertain you for too long because it would be like talking to a robot that's designed solely to take information and refute, it's futile and pointless from my point.

However before i leave you I'll say some final things:

Firstly, your analogy sucked balls, if you want to compare it to something then use these examples:

  • An ant or a mosquito might walk/land on your skin and most of the time you wouldn't even notice it but if you are aware of it you can feel every single tingling sensation that insect makes on your skin and hairs.
  • A person who is not looking at where they are going is not conscious of their surroundings and therefore can hit into a lamp post by mistake as seen by dumb people on their phones (so I guess phones do lower consciousness and awareness, at least from your surroundings).
  • A heavily drunk person is barely conscious of anything, including all his senses.


1. the state of being aware of and responsive to one's surroundings.

2. a person's awareness or perception of something.

Therefore you're idiot why are you arguing with me? This forum lacks so much good sense.

I have done hours and hours of research on the effects of the internet, you're just in denial of the consquences. Neurons that fire together wire together. The more you use your brain in certain ways the more it will develope into encouraging such behavior (neuroplasticity).

Action games for example create good hand eye coordination and responsiveness reaction, which gamer's are using as an arguement for video games being good for the brain, whilst ignoring all the BAD developments and consquences.

The internet addiction and video games consquences are a bad tradeoff, trust me.

But sure you're right it depends how you use the tool, like I already said if you use the internet like you use an educational book, specific and on point you will benefit from it, but most peopel don't, they get lost in the distractions.

As for your wasting time statements, I don't think you developed enough in PD hence why you're making dumb ass comments, playing video games or TV can be fun but it's ultimately wasted time? why because contemplate your death jesus christ, what are you going to say in your death bed?

Oh I didn't watch enough of my favoruite TV series or play all those other games!


There is ambitious and passionate "fun" and then there is turd "fun" that isn't actually that fun but usually a comfort zone where the brain can go brain dead for a while.



1. You have no proof of that analogy, I would like to see studies instead of just your words. The awareness can easily be tricked by saying that something bit you. Everyone else with then “grow conscious” of something biting them. It’s easy to fool awareness. 

2. A drunk person is conscious but doesn’t remembe anything after the fact.


Just because consciousness is mysterious and poorly defined/understood doesn’t mean we can make claims about more or less conscious.

I see you are using the argument from dictionary, so there isn’t much point in reasoning with you. You claim to have done hours of research but don’t site anything to prove your claims. 


The “neurons” fire together wire together is a reductive statement of a the complexity behind neuroplasticity. Practically anything can rewire the brain and the degree to which it can is debatable, but spiritual types like hasty answers since they struggle for evidence.

The effects of video games on the mind seem to be overwhelmingly positive, when not consumed in excesss. But that can be the same for anything really.

Distractions is a subjective term. Just because you find something a distraction doesn’t mean others do. I see no harm in using the internet for entertainment. 

You know you have lost the argument when you start qualifying “fun”. It’s not a waste of time if a person only wants to game and TV. On the death bed they will say “it doesn’t matter anyway but I had fun”. Seems like the only one bothered by that is you and not them.

It seems to me that the people hear are quite dogmatic and narrow for spiritual types. Life isn’t a contest. If people enjoy the time they “waste” then it isn’t wasted. In the grand scheme of things, everything is a waste of time.

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2 minutes ago, onacloudynight said:

You obviously haven't done mindfulness meditation.

I actually have, for a few years actually. But it didn’t make me more aware of things than I already was. The internet did that. Plus reading and debating some philosophical concepts. 


Evidence wise there isn’t reallt proof that mindfulness raises awareness. All it real does is quite you down and bring some level of peace, but just doing breathing exercises does that.

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18 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

A lot of us do not watch TV today.  We sit around on the Internet instead.   You think you're really smart eh?  I can tell from your tone.   It's an arrogant tone.  


16 minutes ago, blazed said:

Really? you see to me a TV is pretty much anything with a screen, monitors, laptops, ipads, mobiles.

It's just a more advanced, interactive TV. and I'm pretty sure the Movie, games, TV series, Netflix industries are at the all time high with consumers.

Smarter than you Jospeh Mayor (/sarcasm), I've watched you turn from a passive, gullible guy to a overgrown ego with all of Leo's vidoes /forum going to your head.

Then you take some insight someone else gave you, maybe an insight into your own ego and then you update your signature and diary entries with those insights, lol.

Of course it takes an Ego to see an Ego, so no I'm not better than anyone, I just speak my mind.

This right here is why we need to cut internet addiction. This forum seems far from conscious, including myself here as well.

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2 minutes ago, Thanatos13 said:

I actually have, for a few years actually. But it didn’t make me more aware of things than I already was. The internet did that. Plus reading and debating some philosophical concepts. 


Evidence wise there isn’t reallt proof that mindfulness raises awareness. All it real does is quite you down and bring some level of peace, but just doing breathing exercises does that.

Do a 10 day vipassana retreat and then come back to me and tell me you aren't more aware. :P

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1 minute ago, onacloudynight said:

Do a 10 day vipassana retreat and then come back to me and tell me you aren't more aware. :P

I might have to do this next week now.  I have too much awareness now.  I don't want any monkeys on my back.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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