
I Could Kill Her

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@aurum What do you mean “if you know how to open her up”?  Interest in where you’re coming from with that comment. Sensing there’s something there for me.  Thanks man. 



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@Nahm it’s such an interesting experience thanks for sharing

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You know it!


It's something David Deida talks about, I've found it really accurate.

Many women don't express their full feminine side in a relationship because on some level they feel they can't. They don't have a man that supports it.

When you're off your purpose or off your center, that makes her feel like she can't trust you to lead the relationship. She doesn't feel safe.

So what does she do? She becomes more masculine to compensate.

She can't surrender to you, because if she surrenders to you, you're gonna crash the fucking boat.

It's really ugly when this happens. This is where you sometimes start to see bitchy, nagging girlfriends and wives.

So you allow her to let go into her femininity by handling the masculine role. That means being on your purpose, setting boundaries and giving direction.

You definitely should read The Way of the Superior Man. It's 10/10 for sure when it comes to this stuff.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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5 hours ago, Nahm said:

@Slade Your first post instantly brought me back to a memory of holding my daughter right when she was born. I remember thinking omg - so fragile, like hanging on to life by a thread, if I dropped her right now she probably wouldn’t make it. Weird thoughts, while emotionally there was a tremendous flood of love and purpose, and just being needed, just like that, instant and for the rest of my life. There was also this other emotion or epiphany of myself, like size, experience, the relative difference across the board between me and her - like I have every conceivable advantage imaginable, but all I want is to love her. 


that's what I try to imagine when it's hard for me to understand my mother's tendency for overprotection

whatever arises, love that

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You discovered fundamental nature of life, Love and Death always walk together. Eros and Tanatos. Eros - desire to achieve Love as an object or basically the main desire of life, desire for life itself which is manifested through desire to reproduce. Tanatos - desire to die which is (as usual) the other side of the coin. 

This is one of the most fascinating themes in life. 

I think its all about mind trying to establish homeostasis and equanimity or our natural state of being. 

Love as Eros (as well as pursuing any desires) makes you high and unstable until you achieve it, BUT when this love is actually achieved and at its peak you still feel unstable and high subconsciously, therefore your mind is sort of 'she is here! i achieved her! but i still feel high and unstable', SO it pushes you to desire Death coz Death seems to be last instance, last solution to get rid of every desire. Either death of object of love or death of yourself.

Coz high and unstable mind is considered as dangerous state for our life because living organism is naturally closed system or ORDER which is by definition has its perfect or stable state when it can properly function and continue to be living system. Therefore, living system try to achieve state of higher and higher (better and better) order (lessening entropy) coz better order is more productive way to continue to be living system and thats all is evolution. Eros pushes us out of order to act, to achieve higher order. BUT the problem arises when you fulfilled the key desire which is object of Love and surprisingly enough your mind is still subconsciously unsatisfied, it fulfilled its main task in life that supposed to put it in order but it didn't. And death seems to be the last thing to achieve this stability.
As long as we pursue eros in life we might be ok, but once you achieved eros or you had re-evaluation of life you suddenly realize that no desire can stabilize you and put you in homeostasis! Then you think either consciously or subconsciously about Death as the only and last solution for all this.

Eros is passionate or lustful love, its origin is instinct of reproduction. Therefore, I think the key, as Sufis said, is to develop from metaphorical love (Eros) to Agape (unconditional, divine, true love or love to god=reality itself). Because Agape is source of every other thing including life and our instincts of reproduction and thus Eros.

Agape as a need to be in our natural state of being is actually what is main force behind everything! Why because your natural state is realization of perfect order or oneness! Its not even force of reproduction behind life, its Agape that makes reality to stick together as one.

So desire to death and kill is desire to expand to unity with oneness of reality, and reality is unified by love. 



Edited by Monkey-man

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Omg what is dissss

I feel this all the time about literally everything, am I a monster?

Even inanimate objects and plants.

And especially my boyfriend.

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