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one simple step to defeat the ego

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I just heard Tai Lopez say on his channel, paraphrased: 



"my parents said they loved me for 18 years and never taught me any of this stuff. But Joel S. did. I said to Joel, he is the one who really loved me.

See that's the thing - correct a fool and he hates you. Correct the wise man and he loves you for it."



This is what defeats the ego. it is, humility. to be able to look out to the world and realize it holds wisdoms and truths that you do not. 


the first step to understanding the ego is to look and see how all is as one, nondual. but the second step to understand the ego is to see how the infinite nature of it all is greater than you. that the world around you, not just other humans but them too, is different from you, wiser, containing truth that you do not contain. 


I wonder recently if there is a challenge we face as a community, where we all try to race to say what is most novel, as if we are wise and the rest are lagging behind. But this is not the case. every single one of us, Leo included, is a fool in many ways. we can learn from each other no matter where we are in that blasphemed race! so rather than notice someone speak over you and feel competition to do it better in your response, instead work towards noticing them respect you enough to share a part of their life with you. and continue the conversation with the same respect. Notice them teach you perspective that they are aware of, and be humble enough to listen and learn from it. 


Something I learned in microeconomis. even the nation that produces everything better than the nation that don't can gain financially from it. and this is true of all forms of trade - wisdom is one of them! because the greater nation does not produce everything at equal efficincy to each other. so it can trade for one of the thigns it is inneficient at - and trade away something it can make so easy it has an abundance of - and the small nation can help "cheat" the efficieny for that big nation through trade. the small nation don't even have to do it more efficient - it just needs to be willing to trade. and trade sure will help that small nation too. 


This is humility - to look to others whether they are greater than you or smaller than you, and still love them. learn from them and share who you are with them. relative wisdom is not worth caring about.



so as the first step of understanding ego is to learn to understand the absolute, nondual - the second step is to remind yourself of the relative, the dual. you are not the absolute, even tho the absolute is you. and this is an imperative to the nature of the dual and nondual. 

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I don't understand the idea of "defeating the ego". It seems that just empowers the ego. For me, it's more about the awareness that the ego exists and is illusionary. 

And for me, the traditional concept of "understanding" is loaded with ego. This mysterious impersonal infinite consciousness seems beyond the traditional use of "understand". I suppose one could use the term in a novel way, yet at that point I'd prefer to use a new term to avoid confusion.

Edited by Serotoninluv

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Don't try to repress the Ego.  Just observe your sensations with mindful awareness.

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Any attempt to defeat the ego is a movement by the ego itself. And will only intensify conflict. 

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It is not about defeat, it is about discipline.


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Defeat the ego, don't defeat the ego. try doing both at the same time and see what happens. 





Memento Mori

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5 hours ago, alyra said:

one simple step to defeat the ego

where does the desire to defeat the ego come from?

give up already.

unborn Truth

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16 hours ago, ajasatya said:

where does the desire to defeat the ego come from?

give up already.

i see it talked about here. I do not have said desire, and am attempting to share why :)

recently Leo posted a thread about changing the forums because he saw ego rampant. I also have seen many threads recently within the past two months of people trying to talk about it, and i wanted to say something but could not at the time. I also have seen some behaviors in the threads where it could be that people are competing, which could explain concerns about the ego. I have also seen in the thread about removing reputation of people saying how it was helpful to them, or directly how they were also concerned about the ego. 


this is the incentive for my posting this thread and my prior one this week regarding the ego. I am respondign to what is discussed :)



edit: generally, good comments, thanks! helpful replies for sure! while I do say I do not desire the same sheddign of ego i see talked about around here, I know in the past I have found difficulty with the ego myself, and do notice within me a natural inclination to move towards a lack of it all my life, even now. before this struggle gave me stress, but now it is just the way I behave, nothing more. i both notice when it is meaningful to my behavior to embrace the dual and the identity, the self, the other, that whole paradigm. and when it is not. it is refreshing to hear the encouragement/reinforcement of healthful behavior so many have said here already :)

Edited by alyra

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1 minute ago, Faceless said:

Who is it that wants to defeat the ego?

the self :D the ego :D the dual :D ironic in a way ;)


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There’s the field of thought. Any movement within that field is where the ego operates. So any attempt such as hope, aspiration, ambition, dream, intention, idea, plan, design, aim, is a movement by the ego, self, me, you, thought. 

Any movement of desire which is within the field of thought is an action taken from ego. So what does this imply? 

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ooh,, hehe, "who wants to defeat the ego" see it is every reader of this thread, who feel for the click baity title ;) (also notice how in that way the click bait is actually instead the exact correct title to use) 





well said! to answer your question from my vantage, I find that existence is thought, thought is awareness. the stone is aware of the earth by resting upon it. awareness is thought because thought is identity, and awareness is the act of noticing AKA identifying. Some can say that the nondual nature of some thing is unifying, in which there is only one consiousness, but I find that this in fact means that there is many discrete consiousness as well. what is the ego is synonymous with what is the absolute.... because the absolute is the unbounded existence of all that is limited and all that is unlimited... and all that is limited is absolute because it cannot be one identity without contrasting the other.... yin and yang... 




you can look at yin. you can look at yang. you can look at the symbol as a whole. you can see that yin and yang are as one. you can see that yin is yang. you can see yang while looking at yin. you can see yin while looking at yang. you can use these perspectives to see the symbolic meaning of yin in yang in al of identity as you try to increase your awareness of those identities. and then you can notice that the symbol of yin and yang is a yin-yang relationship between itself and the rest of the absolute which is not that! :o



Edit: oh, and you can see also, that there is nothing to the yinyang at all, it is nothing. you can see it for what composes it, the ink and the blank page and etc you can see it for its image or concept, without applying any meaning or identity to it... you can see it as the camera sees it, capturing the entire field of vision as one inseperable thing... or perhaps as a series of color variations without any meaning beyond that... you can even fail to see it in anyway at all! you can of course also cheat by closing your eyes and distracting yourself from it and call that failing to see it :P


Edited by alyra

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