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How do i insure a good trip on lsd

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Alright, ways to insure a good trip, and ways to prevent a bad trip?

Would love to hear from you:x

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Not an expert , but my friend is :P so that is his advice:

Be grounded in reality = no mystical bullshit , no trying to "get to the core of how reality works"

just be there :) And when you return contemplate on what should you leave behind and discard as mere hallucinations

and what is beneficial for you life and personal growth. Even write it down :) 

Iv'e had 1 bad trip and underwent a psychosis because of it that cost me a year of my life

and the reason for my insanity was clear: I was not grounded in reality. 

I was very mystically minded back then and was ready to accept fu**ed up things about reality making connections between 

events that were not necessary there.


Me and my friends know that through acid you can feel the "cycles turning" no other way to put it into words.

Just a fun fact that we all did feel that and now i can see that it might be connected to the law of cause and effect but 

i don't want to talk about how reality works because:

1. It is futile

2.To be frank i don't know :) 


Good day brother enjoy your perceptions :) 



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@Theplay wow, it cost you a year of your life? 

what do you mean by that? did you become anxious, scared or depressed?


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7 hours ago, Omario said:

Alright, ways to insure a good trip, and ways to prevent a bad trip?

Would love to hear from you:x

@Omario There is no such thing as a bad trip, if it is "bad", that means you still have more things to learn.

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@Omario At higher dosages, part of the trip involves letting go of control. So, there is an inherent aspect you can't control through preparation. For me a "bad" trip would be freaking out and harming myself or others, getting trapped in an ongoing thought loop or blacking out. A few things I've learned:

1. Consider starting with a low dosage and gradually work your way up. Especially for people prone to anxiety or panic. A psychedelic perspective is  very different and can be overwhelming for those without experience.

2. Be confident that your psychedelic is from a trusted source and is properly dosed (or that you weighed out the correct amount with a sensitive scale). When things get strange on the trip, thoughts of whether the psychedelic could be laced or if you mistakenly took too much can increase anxiety about the uncertainty of what could happen.

3. Create a comfortable setting you are familiar with.  Lots of stimuli and social interactions can intensify anxiety. Even a standard environment like a restaurant can get overstimulating - background chatter, music, people, faces, contact - it can become surreal and overwhelming. In particular, pressure to have personal interactions in public can be a trigger (having to "deal" with people). Consider preparing a peaceful environment in your home or in nature.

4. Have several activity options. Lie in bed listening to music, meditate, watch a simple animated video, journal in a notebook. I've entered some dark places and changing activity can completely change the tone of the trip.

5. Some people like to set an intention. Is there an area of your life you would like to gain insight? Are there deep personal blocks you would like to become aware of? Would you like to gain clarity into the best direction to move in life? I occasionally set intentions and found they can help keep the trip grounded. 

6. Consider a trip sitter. Some beginners do well with a trip sitter. I'd recommend someone with tripping experience that is chill and can keep things light, rather than someone who freaks out at the first sign of "trouble".

7. When sensation and perception start feeling odd during the come-up - turn on happy music and start dancing. Smile, laugh and get silly.

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