
A thank you letter , and a little more.

4 posts in this topic

Hello :) 

It is my first time writing here and i am pretty exited to be honest , this platform is amazing in my opinion.


I have been following for about 2 years and i wish to express my biggest gratitude to you Leo and tell you

that i find your videos to be the most interesting content on the web.

I'm like your promoter here in Israel making my friends watch your videos so that i have something interesting to talk to them about :D

I was on and off on the journey you set me off on , and now i am here.

Where is here? fully present.

I'm not sure if i am enlightened or not but to be honest... The state i'm in is to good to be true  so i don't really bother to put it in a box :)(Every word is a box containing information and limiting what is inside in this connotation)

I haven't felt the slightest itch of pain or boredom for 3 weeks straight ... reality as it is is just to amazing :)

I want to share the two epiphanies that made my experience shift:

1. I have set my happiness to a distant point in the future and it felt like it was continuously "running"  away from me...

what i did was to make a conscious choice to take this "happiness point" and move it to the present.

No matter how hard it is, just to accept and enjoy whatever comes ... Because the NOW is everlasting.

2.This one is more metaphorical so don't take it to directly:

Everything is a feeling.

Words are feelings, colors are feelings, feelings are feelings... everything. Its just that they are "different" feelings :)

Next i have realized that a feeling by itself is absolutely "clean" and Empty. There is nothing to a feeling but a feeling ...

A fire isn't hot ... it feels.

Water is not wet... it feels :)


Do you have any suggestions on how to continue my path ?

Because i have read today in a zen book that the core teaching is to stop at the Truth.

I will end with a short poem that have crossed my mind the other day:


" Lets talk black&white:

Black: Why are you different?

White: We are the same.

Black: No we are not! And here is why: You are white and i am black.

White: Goes away.

Black is dead. "


Have a great day my friends :)





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Hi mighty mouse :) cool name.


I was curious of the answer.


Fuck my coffee is so hot i better not drink it yet!



seriously why is it so hot?




3* sorry for being this kind of guy .

My best guess:

Something can come out of nowhere only if it will "fold" on itself at the end. I don't like to philosophize of such things 

because it leads nowhere and gets my coffee too cold for drinking :P 

Keep it real :)


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@Theplay Be mindful of trying to interpret and figure things out. It can be a distraction I often fall into. 

Was there awareness of the thoughts arising that questioned the meaning of the Zen quote? 

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But i like coffee! :P 

of course, the second you begin to "figure things out" you are not capturing the essence of reality

which by that time was my hot coffee, what is important is what happens now so if the origin of black and white 

is now ill look happily, but now the meaning of life is to read these words.

i will keep it real because what is not real dose not exist :P 

Thank you for the interesting replies...

I'm not smart and am trying my best to answer and you make me feel interesting reading your replies.

All that is left for me is :

To play :) Because after some point i realized: words are mental games, don't take them to seriously its the "feel" of the conversation i focus on...

Because to be frank: After pure presence if you think there is something more to understand (not to know as in knowledge) you are simply

going backwards.

Hope my play was helpful... Cant wait to see your cards :) 

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