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Milos Uzelac

Heart or Mind? How to follow through on a decision only by a sensation of love.

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Gave in to the self and mind (and went on to feel depressed that day because I felt I have deceived and made my myself return to homeostasis of my current unactive, unhappy, unsocial and apartment grounded way of living) of not going to continue NLP practioner which I felt was not beneficial at all or interesting for me. But the morning before I gave in to the minds decision to not go and cancel my in advance saying to my aunt that I am interested in going I couldnt sleep at night. I had an intense sensation in my heart that felt like love when  I imagined  commiting  to go again just for my aunts sake even (doing something unselfish for here even at the cost of being somewhere I dont like being at the start) if it felt stupid and weak for me of going to it just for making my aunt happy and an intense rationalization of my mind that I already said to some people that Im not interested and will not go and that it will make me feel and look crazy or with unability to make my own decision.  When I get the choice again what will give me the strength to follow the heart despite what I said in advance to people of what I am going to do and to do an unrational for the mind emotionally difficult move only by keeping and following an intense sensation in the heart. Thats why I feel now not give up on NLP all together because of that intense sensation in the heart of doing something for someone elses happiness despite my feelings at first glance. 

I would like to thank


for giving and sharing freely his great book (which I paused reading and want to finish) in which what I read about the path of bhakti yogi to liberation almost led me to follow the heart that night but this engraved insight I will keep with myself as faith to follow through only on the heart and not the mind when the choice between two is presented to me.

Edited by Milos Uzelac

"Keep your eye on the ball. " - Michael Brooks 

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1 hour ago, blazed said:

You should tag him @Shanmugam

Search for the option but didnt know how, but thank you a lot for tagging him for me! :) 

"Keep your eye on the ball. " - Michael Brooks 

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