
Very low energy levels

15 posts in this topic

Since I've been about 10 years old I started having energy problems. Later it was discovered that this was caused by all the psychological stuff going on in my head. Mostly social anxiety and insecurities have been robbing me of my energy for a big part of my life. I'm really working hard to purge this stuff out of my system with consciousness and- shadow work + a psychologist helping me. I feel like this process is heading into a good direction.

But now that I've changed my diet -- which includes not eating meat (except for fish once in a while), no dairy, no processed sugar -- my energy level started dropping even lower than it was before. I plan on going to a dietitian for this and getting my blood checked.

I also am on nofap somewhere between day 80 and day 90. 

So my energy levels should be skyrocketing with all the positive changes I've made but still they are at their lowest point.

Do you guys have any experience with low energy, and how did you fix it?

Edited by Max_V

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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Here are some points worth exploring

1) Wim hof breathing sets followed by push-ups provide energy burst right in the moment. The brain/body fog and clutter seems to go away.

2) I think I first heard this from Tony Robbins. ENERGY BEGETS ENERGY. Stay physically active all throughout the day. Don't sit at one place more than 30 minutes straight (expect for contemplation work). Make 5-10 minutes of mini exercise routines. Do that 2-3 times a day. It can keep you energetically active all throughout the day.

3) You are going through a wonderful transformation in your life from inside out. So be patient. The body-mind mechanism is adjusting with the new, healthy inputs you are consciously taking.

4) Cut all unnecessary thought. The more mindful I get, the more I realize how much horseshit I fantasize throughout the day thus deplete energy and go in a downward energy spiral.

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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How much energy you have every day is determined by how well your mitochondria are capable of generating ATP

Here are 7 ways to increase your energy and become instantly energized.

I just lol at the enthusiastic performance, haha


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Thank you guys. I will take a look at your methods and also go to a dietitian and get my blood checked

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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Go have your thyroid checked. There could be a disruption between the pituitary gland and your thyroid gland. 

This is very often a case of energy insufficiency. 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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Add minimalism. hmmm...sounds wierd..... but downsizing and cleaning up your livingspace do wonders for the mind and also for the wallet.

Somebody said that the nofap might make your eyeballs pop out of your head and also will lit your nose on fire....well...they didn´t put it precisely like that....but...that is how I percived it. Point being; keep updating your soldiers. Anything else is wierd and will mess with your energy.

Walking will be good. It also tricks the mind to believe it has a purpose and give you a calm energy.

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I really think it's a lack of one or two nutrients, vague depression that isn't about one particular negative experience is such a common form of depression. And I've searched all over the net for my own issues and so many times you'll find a lady got off prozac taking mega b3 shots, or too much mercury was in the canned tuna and months were needed to improve, or cruciferous vegetables antagonized the thyroid. I bet it's one very hard to find but very easy to solve problem like remove on thing from your diet or take one vitamin or mineral.  

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Intermittent Fasting. 

Also, you may be undergoing a prior to Kundalini Awakening process, which can be very fatiguing and creating emotional blockages

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@Mrkvn8 I've now since a couple of weeks switched to a complete vegan diet while also trying to leave out gluten whenever I can. I feel amazing and my energy levels have increased a ton.

You are also right on the fact that I was going through a lot of emotional turmoil and defragmentation. I still am, and sometimes it can be really exhausting. The positive about it is that I'm really transforming into an entirely different human being, it's quite amazing.

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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@Max_V lol yeah tell me about it. Scary shit though. Everyone around you will start thinking your high and weird when your kundalini awakens

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Check your blood type as well.

If you're type O meat is right for you.

Vegetarianism is a type A bag.

Edited by Haumea

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5 hours ago, Haumea said:

Check your blood type as well.

If you're type O meat is right for you.

Vegetarianism is a type A bag.

Sorry but that's a myth and misleading been debunked years ago. I'm O and Ive never felt better than when eating more plant-based than when i used to eat meat. There was never any solid scientific evidence behind it to begin with. Do animals eat by blood type?


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