
"We don't know where thoughts come from"? srsly??!

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So i'm watching Leo's enlightment part 2 video and I have to get this straighten out before I continue.

He says in the video we don't know where our thoughts or the 'voice' comes from, is he serious? They come from our brain.

He also asks who are we? We are our thoughts, emotions, feelings, actions, motivations etc... which come from the brain!

What the hell is this guy talking about. Jumping the gun big time. Someone please explain to me in a rational way/non philosophical jargon how this isn't so


Edited by playdoh

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@playdoh brains don’t exist...

A “brain” is a concept. “Thoughts” is a concept. “Concept” is a concept. He’s trying to show you the importance of direct experience. See you’ve fallen into the trap of believing in a concept, rather than seeing through your direct experience. We all have don’t worry, you’re not alone. 


You can’t really put into words what he’s trying to tell you because every word is just another concept. If you look for yourself, right now, in this moment, try to see where your thoughts come from and watch them appear out of thin air and disappear back into nothingness. 

Edited by Slade

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@Slade okk but at the begining of the video he's explaining rationally how we are not our hands, arms legs.... so pls explain to me rationally how we are not out brain

Telling me our brains don't exist means didely squat to me because i'm just at the begining.

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@playdoh Notice that "the voice obviously comes from the brain" isn't a brain, but actually just more voice.

See my video: Why Brains Don't Exist

See my video: Understanding How Paradigms Work

See my video: A Rant Against Naive Realism

See my video: Reality Is A Strange Loop

And make sure you have a very open mind.

The reason this isn't making sense to you is because you're stuck in the materialism paradigm. There is no such thing as a physical universe. That's a construct of the mind. And the mind does not reside in the brain. The brain is also a construct of the mind.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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14 minutes ago, playdoh said:

@Slade okk but at the begining of the video he's explaining rationally how we are not our hands, arms legs.... so pls explain to me rationally how we are not out brain

Telling me our brains don't exist means didely squat to me because i'm just at the begining.

As slade mentioned you don't know where your thoughts come from. Your nervous system sends information and your brain just creates a narrative to fit your reactions to outside stimuli. To determine which of 2 objects is heavier requires your nervous system to tell you which one is heavier, your brain does nothing other than create narrative in hindsight. That explains it from a more human angle, understanding the whole "you are not the hands or the brain" bit might be too much at the beginning of self actualization work. 

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There are people who believe their delusions are the truth and want to convince you to believe their beliefs are the truth, too.


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Oh boy, you are in for a ride

if I might give you a warning:Do not do this expecting bliss, the minute you start to realize this, your entire world is going to collapse upside down. This is truth for truth sake, come heaven or hell. Question everything you hold dear, your hopes, motivations, emotions, your fears, nothing you believe to be has any basis or is special, it is all an illusion to keep this lie interesting. If you trully realize this or not it makes 0 difference, with that said i recommend you to sit down and try to think of nothing at all for 1 minute straight:spoiler alert, you will fail, how can you be the brain if you don't control it? 


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Thought is the result of the material process of the brain cells.

Edited by Faceless

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@playdoh OMG this is so fun to watch from our perspective.  You must tell us when you figure it out!

My tiny bit of advice is that you have to dislodge your attachment to rational thinking.  How?  Just do things ever so slightly differently tomorrow.  For example, shower in the evening instead of the morning or whatever you come up with.

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@Leo Gura will do but I hope when you say have an open mind that doesn't mean to believe in things that I can't understand. That would be the same thing as religious people being ridiculed for believing in a God they can't see.

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open minded. o·pen-mind·ed. adjective. The definition of openminded is a willingness to try new things or to hear and consider new ideas. An example of an open minded person is one who listens to her opponent in a debate to see if the information makes sense or if she can change her mind.

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@Slade so don't believe in something unless i can see it for myself? So if I can't see my brain it doesn't exist right   But he himself said the human body exists

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i would investigate what thought is buddy. If you see and grasp what it’s nature is then that will help with where thought comes from. ?

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@Vipassana haha i've considered it but if i freak out on weed sometimes dunno wat that stuff could do to me haa

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@h inandout anymore tips how to crush the ego? Dunno if I keep telling myself that I don't exist or that i'm a piece of shit is healthy hahah

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