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Vegatables and fruits and meat ONLY

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Wassup fellow fat people.

OK... so I'm gonna try a diet where i only consume Steamed Vegetables, fruits and meat with no calorie limits. Nothing else. I will drink only water.

Thoughts on this diets? have any of you tried it? Pros, Cons? 



Edited by Omario

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What about spices?

When it comes to loosing weight then eating oatmeal/groats > meat. I would suggest eating groats + steamed veggies to every meal with meat. And cutting amount of meat you eat by half. You will feel full, thanks to fiber contained in oatmeal and groats.

Fruit - you can eat as much as you can. If you are hungry then it's better to eat 2 bananas than to consume the same amount of calories from meat.

I have been eating like that for few months, went down to 75 kg (I am 180 cm tall) and actually have the opposite problem. :D I can't force myself to eat enough to sustain that weight, and I don't want to come back to fries or consuming more meat.

And nuts are great. I recommend a handful of them everyday. You could think that they don't help, because they are very dense in calories, but the opposite is true, since they increase how much calories your body burns.

Just start cleaning your diet and it itself will work wonders! You have the right idea, I would only restrict calories on meat, try to go as much vegan as possible and practical for you.

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@Girzo How fat where you before you started. I am 183cm tall and my goal i 75. I weigh right now 95 kilos.

could you estimate how long it would get me to go down to 75?


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Have a look into Dr Greger's Daily Dozen ( app for android and Ios). 

This app suggests which wholefoods should every person involve in their diet ( and what amounts) to stay away from the top 15 global diseases as well as improve quality of life and most likely loose weight without even trying. His work is 100% research based so if you are a science oriented person, you will absolutely love this. His book "how not to die" is just pure gold quoting hundreds and hundreds of research studies. 

The type of diet you mention above usually includes a lot of meat which is not necessarily beneficial in the long term. The closer you can get to wholefood plant based diet the better : ) 

And oh, one final thought: you want to lose weight? Get out there and exercise like your life depended on it, because it does. 





“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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Why is not setting calorie limitations part of the plan to lose weight?

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