
All my desires getting sniped by meaninglessness

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I'm finding that every time I get find a passion, within a few weeks there comes a time where suddenly it dawns on me that it is completely pointless. That I am chasing a dream that will ultimately mean nothing. Suddenly that passion disappears. After that a strong desire to meditate and liberate myself of worldly desires arrives. This seems to be a recurring, cyclical pattern. Can anyone relate?

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Sounds like ADHD symptoms or something along those lines. I go through phases where I do this and start to research the net for a cure. Then I go crazy with exercise and intermittent fasting and vegan diets meditation and mindfulness and I go back to normal. Slowly my stress levels grow if I don't maintain a healthy group of habits like I mentioned above and I gradually slip back into being manic. It's such a gradual change over months that I don't feel it happening, just all of a sudden I realize how many projects I've started with insane amounts of passion that fizzle out within a few weeks. I can always get myself back to normal but it is purely discipline and patience that gets me there and only discipline keeps me there. But I can harness the crazy sometimes and do some fun artistic things with my curse.

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@StephenK Reground yourself in the beauty of being.

All your good motivations will come back as you make it through this work. Let the fraudulent, inauthentic motivations fall away.

This requires courage and faith.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@StephenK if you are working on enlightenment, then its good thing!!!!

enlightenment progresses through undoing things and detachment from desires

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