
Stuck in the Self Inquiry Process/Enlightenment Work

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Hey guys,


it´s been over a week now since I´ve started doing Self Inquiry/Enlightenment Work for at least 30 minutes daily. 

Currently I´m having a seemingly big barrier.
There´s a part of me, I think it´s an inner child, that does not feel save questioning the self/mind/ego as well as reality. 

How can I develop the Self Love to make the child feel secure enough to continue down this path ?

Appreciate the answers guys !


Much Love,



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@Moritz self/mind/ego are not different. And the self is relative to reality. Reality is the whole of conditioned conciousness.  Anyway this may not be clear to you as of now so I wouldn’t worry about that yet.

As for the “inner child”....This inner child image is simply old deep rooted memories which have constituted the very fabric of your self image. If those self images are questioned or the self is challenged this is felt to be an attack on the entity you call “me”.

This image sustained by memory will be clinged to in order to self sooth and bring about psychological security. 

How does one move forward from this? 

See the fact that longing and seeking security in its self brings only insecurity and disorder. If that makes sense ?


Edited by Faceless

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The Ego is simply a seperate sense of self right ?

Is it really the same as the mind ?

Or does it reside in the mind. Conciousness is deeply identified with mind/ego therefore this perspective seems like it´s the only reality.

What exactly do you mean when you say the self is relative to reality ?

 Why is reality the whole of conditioned conciousness ?

Isn´t REALITY just pure Conciousness, The All etc. ???

I´ve never heard of the term conditioned conciousness. Do you mean what C. G. Jung called collective unconciousness. My mind is very confused about some of your definitions.^^ Probably a good thing. But anyhow. Please explain clearer. 


That surely makes sense ! 

So how can I deliver this inner child this insight lovingly without enforcing it on him ?

I think it´s about letting love melt through the illusory boundries and barriers. 

Also how can I show this part that more and more letting go of the self will mean freedom and abundance which is a true security.

Not the sort of false security based on lack and insecurity.


Much love,




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Love the child, but see that it's good for it to keep going and keep going anyway.

You might like this description of ego: Circular thinking that creates separation (=duality)

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Perhalps we could start by learning what the structure and nature of thought is.. learn its movment. What I said earlier wasn’t necessarily meant to be taken as advice but more as somthing to invoke interest. 

So a good way to get into this is to understand the very vehicle we use to inquire and investigate, which is thought. 

Start by investigating what is thinking. I’m fairly certain if you go the distance and grasp this all those questions will be answered. Its very interesting?

Good luck friend 



Edited by Faceless

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Maybe instead of questioning the Mind, just watch reality for a while.  Are you just mindfully watching reality as part of your practices as well?  Reality doesn’t hide anything when you just watch it.  

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thx for the great advice.

I feel like it´s crucial to make it feel loved and save without expecting it to change. Which for now feels very tricky  because a part of me always wants to be perfect and beats itself up in order to do so. That creates fraction and resistance. I´m working through that with Self Love, Shadow Work, Life Coaching etc. but yeah that´s how I see it. What do you think of that ? 

Nice definition !!! I´m not a native english speaker so would you be so kind to eleborate on this definition a little bit more ? 

Intuitively I get the sense that this means that the stream of thought in the mind is constantly keeping conciousness stuck in this arbitrary sense of boundries which create a sense of seperate self. But also the boundries of the current developmental standpoint of the self. That´s maybe why change is always tricky and accompanied by resistance. The Ego doesn´t like it. It wants to stay in it´s omfort zone and homeostasis. 

I hope this makes sense. ^^ 

So I´ll continue but I´ll do it lovingly. 

Any more advise ???



Wow awesome tipp.

I contemplated what is thought a couple of times out of the same premise. 

Another good thing to contemplate is there´s just what is happening. The "I thought" doesn´t do anything ! Otherwise you could predict your next thought. Got that one from Jim Carrey.


Joseph Maynor:


So I´ve been meditating for 1 1/2 years now.

I´ve become mostly aware of my body and my repressed emotions, energy blocks, my thoughts, mental and emotional state etc. 

Since doing Self Inquiry for over a week now I had these slight hints of becoming aware of something being there but can´t point out quit clearly what it is exactly. Those times I was just aware and watched reality as you say. 

But in Self Inquiry I mostly contemplate. In meditation I watch the Now. I watch reality as it is. 


Much Love,




PS: I really love to hear more, tips, tools and insights. They help me so much to navigate with more clarity and guidance.

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check out Leo's advanced tips for self-inquiry  video.

also check out his 10 days retreat insights videos at his blog.

both has very very awesome advices.


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Already watched it. Gread Video. Definetely worth some rewatches.

Great tipp. Thx.

nice. thumbs up. ^^


Much love,


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